Assign or revoke life Cycle privileges - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1
  1. Select Users | User Groups/Rights to display the User Groups & Rights screen.
  2. Type the new user group name in the field or select an existing one from the User Group Name list and click Workflow.

    The MANAGER and ADMINISTRATOR accounts must be assigned specific rights to any queues those user groups require access to.

  3. Select life cycle(s) from the Life Cycle list on the Available for selection list. The associated queues are selected in the Work Queue list below. You can deselect individual queues by clicking them in the Work Queue list.
  4. Click the Add>> button to move the life cycle and queues to the Selected for Group list. To revoke access, select the life cycle(s) on the Selected for Group list and click the <<Remove button.
  5. When finished, click Close.

    When using the Classic Client interface, users must be assigned to more than one queue in order for the Life Cycle window to be displayed by default. If you only want to assign users to one queue and make the Life Cycle window available by default, create a hidden queue and assign it to the users that you only want to access one Workflow queue.