Report Issues - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

You can run a report of the issues existing in OnBase. This function analyzes existing life cycle(s) and produces corresponding reports. Reports created can be accessed in the Client module in the SYS Configuration Reports Document Type. When reports are run as one single report, reports have a description Keyword Value of WORKFLOW DOCTOR. To run a report of issues:

  1. In the Configuration module, select Workflow | WF Doctor | Report issues. The Select Reports dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select the check box next to the appropriate report items to be included in a final Workflow Doctor Configuration Report. By default, all items under a report type will be selected. To deselect all items, select the corresponding check box. You also can select individual items to include in the report. The following is a description of each category and each item listed in the category:

    System Statistics- general information about the objects configured and present in the Workflow system.

    Report Item


    Object Count

    The count of each type of Workflow object that is configured in the system.

    Document Statistics

    Includes the number of documents in each queue, broken down by life cycle, the oldest/newest documents in each queue, the number of documents processed by each user, and the average time a document spends in each queue.

    Transitions that have never been used

    Transition that have been created in the graphic view, and have been configured in a Workflow function, but have not been executed.

    Configuration Issues- errors that exist in the configuration of the life cycle.

    Report Item


    Disabled Objects

    Objects that are currently configured for use, but have been disabled (e.g., disabled logging of a document in the Workflow log, disabled task lists, rules, actions, etc.)

    Duplicate Object names in Life Cycle

    Instances where a duplicate name is found for the same life cycle entry (typically caused by import/export errors).

    Graphic Layout Missing

    Life cycles that have not had a graphic layout created for them.

    Incorrectly Configured Objects

    The objects that have an invalid configuration by either an error in configuration or a removed/deleted object. For example, a transition action that has a "From” queue that is in a different life cycle than the “To” queue.

    Objects with No Rights to Them

    Objects that can not be accessed by any user.

    Objects without Icons

    Objects that have not been associated with a specific icon via Workflow Configuration.

    Rules or Actions under Timers requiring User Interaction

    The rules, actions, and task lists that are triggered by a timer at a specific point in time, and require input from the user.

    Task List Trees that are Over 10 Levels Deep

    Tasks lists that have been configured with more than 10 levels of nesting.

    Transitions that are Present with no Configuration to use them

    Transitions that have been created in the graphic layout, but are not used in any Workflow configuration.

    System Errors- errors that exist in the client execution of the life cycle.

    Report Item


    Documents Referential Integrity

    Documents that have document status discrepancies in Workflow, or that are referenced in a life cycle but have been purged.

    Duplicate Predefined Tasks

    Duplicate tasks.

    Invalid Task Sequence

    Task list sequences that either are out of order or have multiple tasks with the same sequence number.

    Missing Tasks

    Queues that have become corrupt because they are pointing to load balancing work, user work, or system work that does not actually exist; therefore, task lists are listed that do not exist.

    Object Rights Referential Integrity

    Users that have rights to an object that does not exist or users that do not exist have rights to a Workflow object.

    Orphaned Objects

    The objects that are no longer in use (i.e., not part of any configured life cycle).

    System Referential Integrity

    Workflow objects that have been deleted, but have lingering configuration. For example, if you have a deleted queue that is still assigned to a life cycle, it would fall under this category.

    Remove Rules-Based User Assignments for Documents Not In Life Cycle

    Locates instances where a document is not present in a life cycle, but still has a load balance assignment associated with it, and remove these assignments from the database.

  3. If you would like the selected report sections generated into separate reports, select the Create Separate Reports option. When System Statistics, Configuration Issues, and System Errors are all selected, a single report will be created with a Description Keyword Value of WORKFLOW DOCTOR. When the reports are generated separately, reports will be created for each section. The System Statistics report will have a Description Keyword Value of SYSTEM STATISTICS. The Configuration Issues report will have a Description Keyword Value of CONFIGURATION ERRORS. The System Errors report will have a Description Keyword Value of SYSTEM ERRORS.
  4. Click Next>>. The Select Life Cycles dialog box is displayed.
  5. Select the appropriate life cycles and click Add>>. Click Add All>> to add all life cycles.
    Note: You can also select API tasks from the Available API Tasks list.
  6. Click Diagnose when all items have been properly selected, and the system will run a diagnosis of the life cycle and produce a Workflow Doctor Configuration Report.