Configuring Tasks - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1
  1. Configure the user groups that will have access to manage this task. Select a user group from the User Groups drop-down list, then click Add.
    To remove a group, select it from the list, then click Remove.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Click the Add drop-down list to choose a schedule for the task. Select one of the following options:
    • Interval- Executes the task once for every specified interval. For example, the task can be scheduled to execute once every two hours.

      The Interval Scheduler dialog box is displayed:

      Enter a numerical value in the Execute every field, then choose a unit of time in the drop-down list. If Days or Business Days is selected, enter a time in the At this time field to determine at what time in the day the task should execute. If Business Days is selected, select a calendar in the Using this calendar drop-down list to specify the calendar that defines business days. Click OK.


      If the Using this calendar drop-down list is unpopulated, a calendar has not yet been configured. For more information about configuring calendars, see the Org Charts and Calendars section of the Workflow module reference guide.

    • Weekly - Executes the task every week at a specified time. The Weekly Schedule dialog box is displayed:

      Select the days of the week on which you want this task to execute every week. Enter a time in the At this time field to specify the time of day this task should execute, then click OK.

    • Monthly- Executes the task every month at a specified time. The Monthly Schedule dialog box is displayed:

      Select the dates on which you want this task to execute every month. Multiple dates can be selected. Select Last to schedule the task to execute on the last day of every month. Enter a time in the At this time field to specify the time of day at which this task should execute, then click OK.

    • Monthly (Day-Relative)- Executes the task every month on either the first, second, third, fourth, or last instance of a specific day of the week. The Monthly (Day-Relative) Schedule dialog box is displayed:

      Under the preferred day of the week, select whether you want this task to run on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and/or last instance of that day in the month. More than one selection can be made; for example, you can choose to schedule this task for both the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month). Enter a time in the At this time field to specify the time of day at which this task should execute, then click OK.

    • Annual - Executes the task every year on a specified date. The Annual Schedule dialog box is displayed:

      Select the date on which this task should execute every year. Multiple dates can be selected. Enter a time in the At this time field to specify the time of day at which this task should execute, then click OK.


      The month of February also contains the Last option, so that the task can be scheduled to run on the last day of February every year, regardless of whether or not it is a leap year.

    • Full Calendar- Executes the task on specific dates in a year. The Full Calendar Schedule dialog box is displayed:

      Select the dates on which the task should execute. To select multiple dates, press and hold Ctrl while making your selections. To select multiple consecutive dates, select the first date, press and hold Shift, then select the last consecutive date. You can remove all of your selected dates by clicking Clear All. Enter a time in the At this time field to specify the time of day at which this task should execute, then click OK.

    • Existing Schedule- Choose an existing named schedule that determines when the task should execute.

    The configured schedules are added to the list.
  4. Click Next. If you added one or more interval schedules, the following dialog box is displayed.
  5. Select from the following options to determine when the interval schedules should execute:



    The interval schedules should always execute

    The interval schedules always execute at their configured times.

    For example, if an interval schedule is configured for 30 minutes, the interval schedule executes every 30 minutes without restriction.

    The interval schedules execute during the periods specified by the following execution window

    The interval schedules only execute during the days and times configured within the specified execution window.

    For example, if an interval schedule is configured for 30 minutes, and the execution window is Saturday, 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., the interval schedule executes at 9 a.m. on Saturday and every 30 minutes until 5 p.m. that Saturday.

    From the drop-down list, select the appropriate execution window.

    The interval schedules should only execute during the following periods

    The interval schedules only execute during the time periods configured within the ad hoc execution window.

    To create an ad hoc execution window, click the Add button. Select the days of the week and the time period the interval schedule should be run. Continue adding time periods as necessary.

    To abort task execution after the ad hoc execution window reaches the end of a time period, select the Stop immediately at end option. This makes it so that at the end of a time period, the schedule finishes processing the current item and stops.


    Unity Script scheduler tasks must be written to specifically support the ability to stop immediately.


    Interval schedules are run at the earliest allowed time and then continue running for the configured intervals. For example, if an interval schedule is set for 10 minutes, and it begins on the current day, the next run time for the schedule is the time you finish configuration in the Task Wizard. The schedule then runs every 10 minutes for the duration of the specified time period.

  6. Click Next.
  7. To set a specific start time, expiration time, or both, select from the following options:



    The task should start at

    Select to set a specific start time for the task.

    Enter or select the appropriate date and time.

    The task should no longer execute after

    Select to set a specific end time for the task.

    Enter or select the appropriate date and time.

    Finish processing immediately

    When selected, the task ends at its earliest opportunity after the end time passes.

    When deselected, the task ends after the end time passes and the entire task is completed.


    This option is only enabled when The task should no longer execute after option is selected.

  8. Click Next. The summary of your configuration is displayed.
  9. Click Finish to save the task.