Moving Documents within a Load Balancing Queue - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

Load Balancing Queues assign documents to specified users, user groups, or roles. Assignments can be based on percentages, order of arrival, keywords, or size of existing workload.

If keywords are edited that affect load balancing assignments, when the document is selected and Rebalance is selected from the right-click menu, the document will be adjusted to the appropriate user(s).

To move documents:

  1. Right-click over a queue name that is a load balancing queue type.
  2. Select Load Balancing Administration.
  3. The Load Balancing Administration dialog box displays. The name of the queue is also displayed in the title bar of the dialog box. Expand the users/groups/roles by double-clicking them to view their contents. Users/user groups/roles are sorted alphabetically. A <Unassigned> group will always be displayed. This group will contain any documents that have not been assigned to a valid user. Users that are currently logged in and consuming a client license are displayed in bold face font.

    Users or roles that are configured as members for load balancing queues and have no documents currently assigned to them will appear in Load Balancing Administration.


    Documents may be assigned to more than one user. Because of this, the total number of documents in a queue and the sum total number of documents assigned to specific users may not be equal.

    To reassign documents to another user/group/role, click the document name, drag the document to another user/group, and release the mouse button. The selected documents are transferred to the intended user/group/role.

    To reassign all documents from one user/group/role to another, select the user/group that is assigned the documents and drag the user/group/role icon over the intended user/group/role icon and release the mouse button. All documents are transferred from the originally-assigned user/group/role to the intended user/group/role.

    If you are in a queue that is configured as a Match Keyword to User Name queue type, using this method will remove the current assignment from the user, from which the document was dragged, and add the new user assignment for the dragged document. If you want to assign multiple users to a document, press CTRL, click and drag the document to the new user assignment. When this method is used, the old assignments are retained and the new assignment is added.


    Any assignment made in a load balanced queue is not recorded in a document's history. Keyword changes made in Load Balancing Administration are recorded in a document's history.