The Document Viewer window allows you to view applications as well as documents. When viewing a document, you can double-click to cross-reference to corresponding documents. You can also zoom images, use thumbnails, and create notes and highlights.
When you exit a PDF document in the Document Viewer window, an instance of Adobe Acrobat will still be running in the Task Manager.
You can also set defaults for the zoom level and page number to which image documents open in the viewer. This setting is effective across all life cycles. The option is set by right-clicking the Workflow toolbar, selecting Defaults | Set Default Page or Set Default Zoom. You can clear these settings by right-clicking the Workflow toolbar and selecting Defaults | Clear Default Page or Clear Default Zoom.
You can open any number of viewer windows to facilitate viewing and comparing of multiple documents. With custom programming, Workflow can be enabled to present the organization's host system through the Document Viewer window for viewing documents and data entry. This requires a minimal amount of custom programming to interact with an organization's unique host system.
When a document is open in the viewer, the status bar displays whether or not the document is read-only or whether the current user has it checked out. If you hover over the document status (Read-Only or Checked Out) the name of the user that has the document checked out currently is displayed.