Workflow Client Documents Window - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

The Document window displays a list of all the documents in the selected queue. The name of the document, as well as when it arrived in the queue is noted in the window. The format of the arrival time reflects the operating system format, and can be modified via the operating system.

You can define the length of each displayed column by clicking and dragging the column heading end border. Once columns are sized appropriately, if you close the Workflow window, the column settings will be saved for the current workstation.

The information reflected at the bottom of the window consists of:

  • The currently selected Queue (Queue:)

  • The user currently logged in (User:)

  • The total number of documents in the queue (Count:)

  • The name of the currently applied filter (No Filter displays if a filter is not applied).

If you select a document in this window, it appears in the Document Viewer.


If you received an error stating Access Denied. User 'username' is already working with this document., a user already has the document open in a Workflow queue.

Right-clicking on a document displays a menu with processing options. The options presented vary slightly depending on whether the document is an image or text file format.

Multiple documents can be selected by holding down the Ctrl key and selecting the desired documents with the mouse. In the same manner, the Shift key can be used to select a range of documents.


In the Classic Client interface, you cannot deselect documents with the Ctrl key held down. In order to deselect documents, release the Ctrl key and click on a document. All documents will be deselected except the document that you clicked on.


In the Classic Client interface, if you click a link in an E-Form, the link will open in the Document window.


If a keyword in an Auto-Name string is changed via the user interface in a Core-based workflow, such as when performing an ad hoc task, the Auto-Name string in the Documents window will automatically update to reflect the change. There are instances, however, when the Auto-Name string will not refresh automatically. If scripts are being used in a task to update keywords, the Auto-Name string will not refresh when the keyword is updated. For more information, please contact your system administrator.


The OnBase right-click context menu is not available if you are viewing an HTML document in either the Classic or Core-based OnBase Client Workflow interface.

Right-clicking on a document in the Document window displays the following options:




Opens the Add / Modify Keywords dialog box to view or modify the document Keyword Values.


Opens the Re-Index Document dialog box to re-index the open document.


If a document is awaiting user interaction, this option is not enabled.


This option is not functional for documents that are signed E-Forms.


Opens the Document History dialog box, which lists the past actions performed on the document. By default, the entries are sorted in descending order, with recent actions listed first.


Select the appropriate Document Type from this menu option to display the cross-references related to the selected document.


Only the Document Types that the current user has appropriate rights to will be available for selection.

View All Cross-References

Opens the Defined Cross-References dialog box, which lists the cross-references that are configured for the selected document.

Send To | Mail Recipient

When properly configured, the system will create a blank email message with the specified document attached.

Send To | Internal User

Sends selected document(s) to the defined user's internal mailbox. Opens the Send Mail dialog box.

Send To | Advanced Mail

You will be prompted to enter a page range and whether you want to send the file in native format. When properly configured, the system will create a blank email message with the specified document attached.

Send To | Envelope

Sends selected document to the selected envelope. You will be prompted to select an envelope to send the selected document to. Select the envelope by double-clicking on the envelope you want to use.

Clear Selected

Deselects the selected document in the Document window.


Reloads the document in the viewer with updated information.

Show All

Removes the filter and displays a list of all documents.

Show Combined View

Toggles the combined view on and off. See Show Combined View for more information.

Begin User Work

Available when user work has been configured within a queue. When selected, the User Interaction window displays question boxes, message boxes, and HTML forms.

Route Document

Allows you to move a document to any queue connected to the current queue by a transition. This activity bypasses user work associated with the document. This option is only available to users that are administrators, have the Workflow Administrative Processing privilege, or have the Ad Hoc Routing user privilege at the queue level.


When using the Classic Client interface, this option is only available in an auto-feed queue after a document has been double-clicked.


This option is only enabled if all of the selected documents are in the same queue, and the queue has at least one transition.

Workflow Queues

Displays the queues that the selected document exists in. A document can only exist in one queue within a life cycle, but can exist in multiple life cycles.

If multiple documents are selected at once, this option is disabled.

Filter Inbox

Allows you to select a pre-configured custom query to apply to the Document window.

Change Queue

Switches the focus of the Document window to the queue specified. The menu presents a list of queues to which you have rights.


Displays the current document's priority number.


This option is only available in the Classic Client Workflow interface.

Create List Report


This option is only available if you have been given appropriate rights.

Creates a report of all documents in that queue. The Document Type is SYS List Contents Report.

This option allows you to report on either the selected document or all documents listed.

When using the Auto-Feed Documents configuration option, documents will be listed in the report, even if they are not currently displayed in the inbox.

Upon selection of this option, you will be prompted on whether you want to create the report for only the selected item. Click Yes to generate the report for the selected document. Click No to generate the report for all documents. By clicking Cancel, the report will not be generated.


A List Content Report generated from a Workflow life cycle automatically has a header and summary information included. If a Filter has been applied to the Inbox, the Filter name will appear in the title, also. You do not have the option to change these features, nor can you include a report summary in the report.

Create Keyword List


This option is only available if you have been given appropriate rights.

Creates a text (.txt) or comma-separated values (.csv) file of Keyword Values that can be viewed or manipulated by other programs, or can be used with an AutoFill Keyword Processor.

This option only creates a Keyword List Report from the selected document.


The Keyword List Report only shows the first instance of each Keyword Value on the document.

For more information about creating Keyword Lists, see Creating Keyword Lists in the System Administration module reference guide.


The properties of a document display in the Document Information dialog box.


You may have more options available depending on user rights and licensing. You may also not have all of these options depending on granted user rights.