Workflow Display Options - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1
  1. Select User | Workstation Options. The Workstation Options dialog box displays.
  2. Click the Workflow Display Options tab:
  3. Specify the following options:




    Allows you to change the default size of the Workflow windows. The cumulative allocated percent of all windows must total 100.


    This option is disabled when using the Core-based interface.

    Restore Default Display

    Updates the onbase32.ini file with the currently configured Percent settings. (This does not affect the currently displayed Percent values.)


    After changing Percent settings, the windows must also be refreshed in Workflow, by selecting Display | Restore Default Display from the Workflow toolbar right-click menu.


    This option is disabled when using the Core-based interface.

    Initial Graphic Zoom

    Pertains to the default size of the life cycle graphic layout that displays in the life cycle view. The higher the number, the larger the graphic layout appears.

    Graphic Update

    Indicates the speed at which the visual update of transitions occurs. The higher the number, the faster the graphic transitions display. The lower the number, the slower the transition displays.

    Refresh tree counters

    When selected, the document counter for a queue will be refreshed based on the Refresh Rate configured under User Options. If this option is not selected, the queue counts will only be refreshed when a user manually refreshes the counts or if an action that refreshes the queue count, such as a transition, is processed.


    To achieve optimal performance, it is recommended that this option not be used with the Core-based interface. Using this option with the Core-based interface consumes a greater share of network, database, and application server resources.

    Display second pane

    When selected, the document viewer is divided into two sections. You can specify whether you want the pane to be split vertically or horizontally by selecting Vertical split or Horizontal split, respectively.


    Vertical split and Horizontal split are disabled when using the Core-based interface.

    Inbox Status Pane Order

    This section configures the Workflow Inbox status bar, displayed directly below the Inbox window. Four pane options are available: Queue Name, User Name, Document Count, and Filter. You can choose any combination and arrangement of panes. Use the Up and Down buttons to arrange the selected panes. Panes will be displayed as they are listed (top to bottom) from left to right on the screen. Panes can be removed or added. To remove a pane, select the pane in the box and click Remove. To add a pane, select it from the drop-down list and click Add. If no panes are available for addition, the drop-down list will be disabled. Changes made in this section will be reflected in the following onbase32.ini setting: StatusPaneOrder. The size of the panes can be specified in the onbase32.ini settings.

    Auto-Open Queue

    Select the queue to open automatically upon opening the Workflow Inbox. The queue names are prefaced with the life cycles to which they belong. If you cannot read the entire text, hover over the drop-down list and a tooltip will display the name of the life cycle and queue that is selected.

    Use Persistent Filters

    If enabled, this option causes the Workflow filter to remain in effect, when switching queues, until the user removes it. If disabled, Workflow filters are removed when the user changes queues.

    If there is not a selected filter or the selected filter cannot be applied to the queue, the configured default filter is applied, if applicable. Otherwise, the persistent filter overrides the default filter.


    If a queue has the Use only selected filters option selected, and the current persistent filter is not explicitly configured for the queue, the persistent filter is not applied to the queue.

    Show Workflow Menu

    When selected, the Workflow menu displays in the Client menu bar.

    Show “ Assigned To” Column for LB Queue

    When this option is selected, an Assigned To column is added to the inbox when you select See Other User's Documents for a load balancing queue and view <ALL>. This column displays what user is assigned to the document currently.


    If a filter is applied to the inbox, the columns are determined by the columns configured for the filter and this column will not display.


    This setting does not apply to queues configured as Match Keyword to User Name load balancing type.

    Reuse Top-level Window for Displaying Document

    This option relates to the Doc - Display Related Document and Doc - Display This Document actions. It is used in conjunction with the Use Top Level Window option. When this option is enabled with the Use Top Level Window , only one window will be used to display documents. If multiple documents are displayed, only the last document will be displayed in the window. When this option is not selected, a new window is displayed for each document.

    Configure auto-display


    When this option is selected, all items are automatically displayed in queues for which the current user has access rights, and that are approval queues, or are configured for load balancing, ownership, or to use auto-feed.

    Click Configure auto-display queues to display the Inbox Auto Display Setting dialog. Select the queues that will automatically display all items.

    Click Save to save the changes or click Cancel to close the dialog without saving.


    Allows you to assign shortcut keys to assist in performing repetitive actions.


    The Answer ‘Yes', Answer ‘No', and Answer ‘Cancel' accelerators are only supported for use with the SYS - Prompt User with Question Box action.


    The Answer ‘Yes' accelerator is also supported for use with the Notify - Display Message Box action.

    Switch to Life Cycle Window, Switch to Document Window, Switch to User Interaction Window, Switch to Folder Window, Switch to Document Window, and Switch to Related Document Viewer allows you to configure shortcut keys to switch the focus to various windows within the Workflow interface.

    Refresh Current Filter refreshes the current filter on the currently-selected queue.


    Refresh Current Filter is not supported in the Classic Client Workflow interface.

    Once you have configured accelerators, you must close Workflow and restart it for accelerators to be available for use.


    A list of common responses and actions for mapping keystrokes.

    Accelerator Key

    Displays the keystroke combination for the selected Action.


    Displays the Accelerator Key dialog box for mapping the Ctrl, Alt, or Shift keys for keyboard short cuts.

    User Interface


    Depending on your configuration, this option may not be enabled.

    Allows you to specify what Workflow client interface to use. Selecting Default will adhere to the interface specified in the Configuration module. Selecting Classic will use the Classic Client interface. Selecting Core-based uses the Core-based interface.


    This setting overrides the setting configured in the Configuration module.