Configuring an Org Chart - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

Before configuring an Org Chart, extensive consultation should be done to determine the exact hierarchy of an organization's employees. To configure an Org Chart:

  1. In the Configuration module, select Org Chart | Org Charts. This displays the Org Charts dialog box. Type the name of the Org Chart.
  2. You will be prompted to select a root user, or topmost-ranking employee, from the Choose Root menu.

    If working in an Institutional Database, you will be prompted to assign the Org Chart to an Institution.

  3. After selecting the root employee, click Settings on the Org Charts dialog box. This displays the Org Chart Configuration dialog box. The employee selected as root user is displayed at the top of the chart.

    If a user has a real name configured, it will be displayed in parenthesis next to the user name. If there is no real name configured, only the user name is displayed.

  4. Right-click on the employee's name to display the right-click menu for that employee.

    Right-Click Option


    Add Reports

    When this option is selected, the Add Reports dialog box is displayed. Select the user(s) to report to the selected employee from the Available Users field. Double-click the user name or select the Add>> button to add the user as a report. For example, one might choose employees MANAGER and ASSOCIATE MANAGER to report to employee VICE PRESIDENT. There is no limit to the amount of subordinate reports an employee may have.

    You can click the Display User Names or Display Real Names button to toggle the way the users are displayed within the dialog box.


    If real names are displayed, but a user does not have a real name, the dialog box will display the user name in double square brackets, for example [[MANAGER]]. These names will be placed at the end of the users list.


    Once a user has been configured as a report, the user name cannot be removed via the Add Reports dialog box. It must be removed using the Delete User right click option.


    Both the root employee and reports will have icons to the left of the user name.


    When no more eligible reports are left, the Add Reports dialog box will be disabled as well as the Replace User menu option.

    Add Assistant

    When this option is selected, the chosen user will act as assistant to the selected employee. An employee who is an assistant has a icon to the left of his/her name. An assistant performs certain duties when the employee s/he reports to is unavailable.


    An assistant can have no reports.

    Add Ad Hoc Manager

    When the Sys - Assign to User and Sys - Assign Related to User actions are configured to assign documents to a Manager, if there is an Ad Hoc Manager assigned to a user, the Ad Hoc Manager is the user that will be assigned to the document, instead of the Manager in the configured tree structure of the Org Chart.

    When a Queue is configured for Manager coverage, if an Ad Hoc Manager is assigned to a user and the user is unavailable, the Ad Hoc Manager will see the documents for that user in the coverage Queue, instead of the Manager in the configured tree structure of the Org Chart.


    The Ad Hoc Manager may be anyone within the Org Chart; not necessarily someone in the reporting hierarchy.

    When an Ad Hoc Manager is added, it is denoted with a red icon next to the username.

    The requirements and limitations of this option are as follows:

    • The Ad Hoc Manager must have rights to the queue in order to see documents for users they are providing coverage for.

    • The Ad Hoc Manager must be a Load Balancing member in order for documents to be assigned to them.

    • Neither the root user or an Assistant can have an Ad Hoc Manager assigned to them.

    • Each user can only have one Ad Hoc Manager assigned; however, a user can be assigned as an Ad Hoc Manager to multiple users.

    • Once an Ad Hoc Manager is assigned to a user, the Manager in the hierarchy no longer will be able to provide Manager Coverage or have documents assigned to them as the Manager of the user.

    Delete User

    This option deletes the selected user from the Org Chart. If an assistant is selected, the assistant will be deleted. If you select to delete an employee with reports, two options will be displayed:

    • Report to Manager- employees will report to the next higher-ranking manager on the Org Chart

    • Remove from Org Chart - the selected employee, plus all subordinate reports, will be removed from the Org Chart.

    Locate User

    This option allows you to locate any user configured in the Org Chart.

    When this option is selected, the Locate User dialog box is displayed. Select the user you wish to locate in the Org Chart from the Available User(s) drop-down list and click OK.


    Only those users configured for the particular Org Chart are available for selection.

    The selected user's name will be selected and display in boldface in the Org Chart. In the case of multiple instances of a user name, the Org Chart will be expanded to display all of them. The last instance of the user name will be selected.

    Replace User

    This option will replace the selected user with another employee.


    This option will be disabled if no eligible reports are available.

    Assign Roles

    Selecting this option allows you to assign roles to a particular employee. Employees may have no roles, one role, or multiple roles assigned.


    Roles will not appear in the Org Chart diagram. In order to view a user's assigned roles, you must right-click on the user name.

    Expand Tree

    Selecting this option expands the Org Chart configuration tree diagram.

    Collapse Tree

    Selecting this option collapses the Org Chart configuration tree diagram.

A configured Org Chart for a small department might look like this:


The user names shown do not reflect assigned roles. User “Vice President” could be named “Stan Smith” and still be assigned a role of “Vice President.”