Connecting to Repositories - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

To access a repository, in the Repositories window, select the repository from the drop-down list. You will either be automatically logged into the repository or you will be prompted for user credentials.


If there is a system lock, you will be unable to open the repository.

In order for your changes and additions to a repository to be reflected, you must save the repository. Any changes you make will not be saved until the repository is saved. You can save a repository by clicking Save button on the Home ribbon. Alternatively, you can click the Save drop-down menu and select a specific repository to save or Save All to save all of the repositories.

Items that have been changed and not saved are denoted with an asterisk (*).

Upon clicking Save or Save All, a Saving Repository status window is displayed. You can click Cancel to abort saving.

To open a database connection repository:

  1. Database connection repositories are opened via the Connect dialog box. Open the Connect dialog box in one of two ways:
    • Launch OnBase Studio. The Connect dialog box is displayed on startup.

    • If OnBase Studio is already connected to a repository, click Connect in the Home ribbon menu to open another repository.

      The Connect dialog box is displayed.

  2. You can connect to a database connection repository in two ways:
    • Via a direct local connection to the database - Select Local if you want to connect to the database directly without the use of an Application Server. If your solution does not include an Application Server, select Local as your connection type. The Local connection type also allows you to work in a repository while Application Servers are offline. A Local connection requires the configuration of connection strings for OnBase Studio.

    • Via an Application Server - Enter or select an Application Server URL in the Connection Type drop-down list to connect to the database via an Application Server. Connect via an Application Server if you do not have direct access to the database.


    In order to connect to an Application Server, the Application Server and Studio must both be of the same major and minor version, and the same service pack version. For example, if the Application Server is version 16.0.1, then Studio also needs to be version 16.0.1.


    Studio does not support remoting as a communication method for the Application Server. SOAP must be used. Ensure that the full Application Server URL to the service page uses Service.asmx.

  3. Enter a Data Source or select one from the drop-down list. When Local is selected as the connection type, the Data Source list is populated with all available data sources. When connecting via an Application Server, the data source entered is saved as an option in the Data Source drop-down list for future selection once you have connected successfully.
  4. Select an Authentication Type from the drop-down list. The following options are available:
    • Active Director Federation Services (AD FS) - Select this option to use Active Director Federation Services authentication. To use this option, you must have the Application Server configured for AD FS, and you must modify the Studio configuration file. For information on how to modify the Studio configuration file to enable AD FS, see the Legacy Authentication Methods module reference guide.


      AD FS is not available for use with the Local connection type.

    • NT Authentication - Select this option to use Active Directory authentication. To use this option, your system must be configured for Active Directory - Enhanced authentication. For more information, see the Legacy Authentication Methods module reference guide.

    • NT Authentication (Interactive) - Select this option to enter credentials for Active Directory authentication. The User Name must include a domain. To use this option, your system must be configured for Active Directory - Enhanced authentication. For more information, see the Legacy Authentication Methods module reference guide.

    • Standard Authentication - Select this option to use standard OnBase credentials.

    Additional authentication methods may be available depending on the configuration of OnBase Studio and your solution. Contact your system administrator for more information about additional authentication methods.

  5. If you are prompted, enter a User Name and Password.
    Select Remember password if you want OnBase to remember your password.
  6. Click Connect.