Controlling the Interface Display - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

The following buttons are available for all windows except the editor:

The Window Position arrow button allows you to set the window to display in one of the following ways: Floating, Dockable, and Auto Hide.

Selecting Floating displays the window is a undocked window outside of the main interface. This window can be positioned anywhere on the screen. You can re-dock a window by right-clicking on the window header and selecting Dockable and then double-clicking on the header of the window.

Selecting Dockable pins the window in a position within the main studio window.

Selecting Auto Hide enabled the window to hide when not in use. When a window is in Auto Hide mode, a tab is displayed in the interface. Hovering over that tab will display the window. The following is an example:

The Auto Hide button allows you to pin and unpin the window, toggling on and off the Auto Hide mode for the window.