Doctor - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

The following options control the user of the Workflow Doctor within the Studio. The following options are available:



Enable doctor validation

This option controls whether or not the doctor validates items.

Deselecting this option disables all of the following Workflow Doctor options.

Validate when the repository is opened

Select this option if you want a repository to be evaluated by the Workflow Doctor upon opening a repository in the OnBase Studio.


If a repository is large, this setting can increase the time it takes to open the repository.

Validate when the repository is refreshed

Select this option if you want a repository to be evaluated by the Workflow Doctor upon refreshing the repository or checking out a life cycle.

Validate when a portfolio relation is changed

Select this option if you want the Workflow Doctor to evaluate items when a portfolio relation is changed.

Underline repository tree items that contain warnings and error (requires restart)

When this option is selected, life cycle items that have warnings identified by the Workflow Doctor will be underlined in blue and life cycle items that have errors identified by the Workflow Doctor will be underlined in red. If both errors and warnings exist, the life cycle item will be underlined in red.


After changing this option, the OnBase Studio must be restarted.

Highlight error issues in property pages (requires restart)

When this option is selected, errors are highlighted in the Properties pane to easily identify the specific issue.


After changing this option, the OnBase Studio must be restarted.

Highlight warning issues in property pages (requires restart)

When this option is selected, warnings are highlighted in the Properties pane to easily identify the specific issue.

If an action type is not defined, it is not highlighted, but can be listed as an error in the Doctor Results tab.


After changing this option, the OnBase Studio must be restarted.

Actions and rule configuration issues

When this option is selected, actions and rules are checked for configuration issues.

Action and rule licensing issues

When this option is selected, actions are checked for licensing issues.

Actions that have no action type set

When this option is selected, actions are checked for when no action type is set.

Disabled actions and rules

When this option is selected, life cycles are checked for disabled actions and rules.

Disabled task lists

When this option is selected, life cycles are checked for disabled task lists.

Life cycle configuration issues

When this option is selected, life cycles are checked for configuration issues.

Notification configuration issues

When this option is selected, notifications are checked for configuration issues.

Obsolete actions and rules

When this option is selected, action and rules that are not supported in the OnBase Studio are reported.

Portfolio Type configuration issues

When this option is selected, portfolio types are checked for configuration issues.

Queue configuration issues

When this option is selected, queues are checked for configuration issues.

Rules that have no rule type set

When this option is selected, rules are checked for when no rule type is set.

Task list configuration issues

When this option is selected, life cycles are checked for task lists with configuration issues.

Timer configuration issues

When this option is selected, timers are checked for configuration issues.

Transition configuration issues

When this option is selected, life cycles are checked for transition configuration issues.

Unsupported user interaction

When this option is selected, Workflow Doctor reports issues if an action or rule requires user interaction that a client does not support. (specified in the display issues related to client category)

User form configuration issues

When this option is selected, user forms are checked for configuration issues.

Client Core-based interface

When this option is selected, issues directly related to the Core-based Client Workflow interface are reported.


When this option is selected, issues directly related to the Unity Workflow interface are reported.


When this option is selected, issues directly related to the Web Client Workflow interface are reported.