Creating Generators - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

Generators can be configured to create specific items and a specific number of items. You can configure multiple generators. To create a generator:

  1. In the Home ribbon, within the Item Generation ribbon group, click Item Generators.

    You can locate a specific, existing generator item by entering text that will identify the generator item in the Find field. The generator items displayed will be narrowed down to the generator items that contain the characters entered.


    You can modify an existing item generator by selecting it and clicking Modify. To delete an item generator, select it and click Delete. Item generators associated with batches cannot be deleted. You can copy an existing item generator by selecting it and clicking Copy. The Item Generator Wizard is displayed. The copied item generator must have a unique name in order to be created.

  2. Select the Repository from the drop-down list for which you want to create a generator.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Enter the Name and the Description for the generator.
  5. Click Next.

    When generating documents, Document Types that are configured as Image File Format or Text File Format can be generated. If a Document Type is selected that does not have one of these file formats configured, the documents will be generated as text documents. Document Types that have E-Form Templates assigned will be generated as E-Forms even if the Document Type is not configured with an E-Form Default File Format.

  6. Select the Document Type from the drop-down list.
  7. Enter the number of documents you want to generate in the Number of documents to create field.

    Up to 999,999 items can be generated.

  8. Click Next.
  9. Specify what the item generator should use for document contents. Select one of the following:
    • Specific Text: Select this option to enter specific text as content for the document. If Specific Text is selected, click Next, then skip to step 14.


      This option is not available when generating E-Forms.

    • Use Existing Document: Select this option if you want to select a file to be used as document content.

  10. Click Next.
  11. Click Browse to select the file you want to use for document contents.
  12. Select a Document Type for the file. The selected document is imported into OnBase using the selected Document Type.
  13. If the selected Document Type uses a Description Keyword, the Description field is available. Enter a Keyword Value for the Description Keyword.

    The Description field only allows the maximum number of characters that the Description Keyword is configured to use.

    Skip to step 17.

  14. Enter the information you want to include in the documents in the The document should contain the following text field. This information will be viewable in the document viewer when the document is open.
  15. You can insert Keywords that are on the Document Type into the text field. To insert Keywords, click Insert Keyword. The Insert Keyword dialog is displayed.
  16. In the Keyword Type drop-down list, select the desired Keyword Type to add. In the Repeat field, enter the value for the number of times the Keyword Type should be repeated. In the Formatting drop-down list, select the type of formatting to apply to the Keyword:
    • <None>- Apply no formatting to the Keywords.

    • Capitalize- Capitalize the first letter of the Keyword.

    • Capitalize Words- Capitalize the first letter of every word.

    • Uppercase- Capitalize every letter of the Keyword.

    • Lowercase- Do not capitalize any letters of the Keyword.

  17. Click Next.
  18. Click Add. The Keyword Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  19. Select the Keyword Type you would like to map to a value.

    If the value configured for the Keyword Type exceeds the configured maximum length for the Keyword Type, the generated value will be truncated when the generator is executed.


    If the Keyword Type you selected is configured as a specific currency, you can specify the currency format in the Currency Format drop-down list.

  20. Select the appropriate mapping option:

    Constant Value

    This option allows you to add a constant value that will be added to all generated documents for the selected Keyword Type.

    Increment Range

    This option allows you to enter a Starting Value and a value to increment that number by in the Increment By field. Each generated document keyword value is incremented by the number specified.


    If the Keyword Type is configured for masking, the value is limited to nine characters.


    This option is not available for currency or date Keyword Types.

    Increment Date Range

    This option allows you to enter a Starting Date and a value to increment that date by in the Increment By (Days) field. Each generated Keyword value is incremented by the number of days specified.

    Random Value Between

    This option allows you to add randomly generated values to the Keyword Type selected for generated documents. Enter the range of values you want the randomly generated values to fall in the fields.


    If the Keyword Type is configured for masking, the value is limited to nine characters.


    This option is not available for currency or date Keyword Types.

    Random Date Between

    This option allows you to add a random date between the specified range. Select a start and end date for the date range. Select Include Time to include a time.

    Random Value from Data Set

    Select this option to add a random value from the Keyword's configured data set.


    This option is only supported for Keywords with data sets configured.

    Add the following prefix

    If you want to add a prefix to the value you configured in one of the above options, select this check box and enter the value you want to use as a prefix.


    Leading and trailing spaces are removed from the prefix when it is affixed to the keyword value.


    This option is available only when an alphanumeric Keyword Type is selected.

  21. Click OK.
  22. Repeat the steps to add a Keyword Type for each Keyword Type and value combination you want to map.
  23. Click Next.

    The following screen is only available if you are licensed for Workflow.

  24. You can determine whether the items that are generated are added to Workflow. The following options are available:

    Do not add the items to Workflow

    If you want to generate items, but you do not want to add them to Workflow life cycles, select this option.

    Add the items to all Life Cycles associated with them

    If you want generated items to be added to all life cycles that the Document Type is associated with, select this option.

    Add the items to the specified Life Cycle

    If you want to select a specific life cycle and queue to add the items to, select this option and select the appropriate life cycle from the first drop-down list and the Queue from the second drop-down list.

    Execute System Work

    If you want to execute system work on the items, select this option.

  25. Click Next.
  26. Determine how the items should be assigned a queue entry date. The following options are available:



    Use the current date

    Uses the current date as the entry to queue date.

    Use the following queue entry date

    Select a specific date to use as the entry to queue date.

    Use a random date between two dates

    Uses a random date in a specified date range as the entry to queue date. Select a Start Date and End Date to specify the date range that should be used. The End Date must be after the Start Date.

  27. Click Next.
  28. Click Finish.