Attach Document to Patient/Chart - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

This action requires an HL7 Listener or Basic HL7 Listener license.

This action attempts to attach the current document to an existing patient medical record.

This action behaves in the following ways:

  • If a matching patient record is found, then the action attaches the document to the patient record. If a matching record is not found, the document is logged as an orphan document.

  • If the document is in a chart Document Type, the action also attaches the document to its matching chart. If a matching chart is not found, or if multiple matching charts are found, then the action adds the document to Chartless Documents.

  • If the document is in a chart-optional Document Type, the action uses the document's Chart ID # value to determine whether the document belongs on a chart. If this value is blank, the document is attached to the patient record only; it is not attached to a chart or added to Chartless Documents. If the Chart ID # value is populated, the action attempts to attach the document to its matching chart.

For this action to work properly, OnBase must be configured to match medical record documents to patient records and charts. For more information, see the Medical Record Document Types topic in the HL7 module reference guide.

This action should be used only if Exclude Document Patient/Chart Attachment is selected under Medical | Medical System Settings in OnBase Configuration. Otherwise, this action is unnecessary, because OnBase attempts to assign medical documents to patients and charts as soon as the documents are imported or re-indexed.