Create SAP Work Item - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

This action is only available is only enabled if your system is licensed for Connector for use with SAP Archivelink.

Sends a request to a SAP content server asking it to create a work item for the document. The action does not perform validation on the object type and SAP Document Type.


If the SAP Document Type for the work item is changed to a Document Type belonging to a separate repository, a new document will be stored in OnBase under the linked OnBase Document Type for that repository. The new document will not include any OnBase metadata (Keyword Values, notes, etc.) from the original document.

To configure this action:

  1. Select the appropriate Content Server from the drop-down list. You can also click the button to the right of the drop-down list to create a new content server, or modify an existing content server.
    1. To create a new content server, select New. The SAP Content Server Configuration dialog is displayed.
    2. Enter a descriptive name for the content server in the Name field.
    3. Enter the URL for the content server in the Content server URL field. This is the name of the machine where the content server is installed, with the virtual directory appended to the end of the machine name. In a typical installation, the virtual directory would be named archivelink.

      For example: machinename/archivelink


      You do not need to include the http:// prefix for this field.


      The default port number can be overridden by specifying a port number in the address. The following format can be used: address:portnumber

    4. Select the Use SSL check box if you want to use an HTTPS binding with this content server.
    5. Click OK.
  2. Enter the Object Type.
  3. Enter the SAP Document Type.
  4. If you want to use the autoname string of the document as the Work Item Name in SAP's inbox, select the Use OnBase Auto-Name for Work Item Name option. In order to use this option, additional configuration is required in SAP. See the Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink documentation for more information.
  5. When finished, click Apply