Allows primary documents within a life cycle queue to be re-indexed.
When using the Web Client, this action will ignore document locks on documents that are locked outside of Workflow.
This action will not re-index a document that is a signed E-Form. If this action encounters a signed E-Form, the last execution result is set to FALSE. If this action is part of a task list, the task list is not aborted if a signed E-Form is encountered.
Unity Form Document Types cannot be re-indexed to another Document Type using this action.
When this action is initiated on a document, the document's current Document Type is available for selection during re-indexing, regardless of the currently logged in user's Document Type rights.
When using the Unity Client Workflow interface, users without the Access Restricted Keywords privilege are unable to re-index documents between Document Types that include the same Keyword Type at different restriction levels. For example, if Keyword Type A is configured as read-only or hidden for Document Type A and not for Document Type B, a restricted user cannot re-index a Document Type A document to be Document Type B, and vice versa.
When a document is re-indexed that is being managed by Document Retention, only the Document Type to which the document belongs will be available for re-indexing. The Document Retention Manager privilege is required for a user to re-index a document being managed by Document Retention into a different Document Type.
When using the OnBase Client Core-based and Classic Workflow interfaces, the Default Value of an assigned Keyword Type is not updated when re-indexing to a different Document Type that also has the assigned Keyword Type but with a different Default Value.
If Cancel is clicked during the re-indexing process, only re-indexing is canceled. Subsequent processing is not automatically aborted.
This action should not be used in System Work or Timer Work.