If you use the Application Enabler module, the AppEnabler Options allow you to specify the behavior of the Document Imaging window and enabled application during OnBase Client indexing. The Application Enabler module allows you to use OnBase Client indexing to index documents by “screen scraping.” When you double-click on the enabled application, values are “scraped” (copied) from the enabled application and used to populate the corresponding keyword fields in the Document Imaging window. See the Application Enabler documentation for more information.
When re-indexing a document that was imported using a COLD file, a copy of the entire COLD file that contains the document is created.
AppEnabler Options are described below:
Clear Keywords - Clears all existing keyword values from the keyword fields in the User Interaction window when screen scraping is initiated. If a blank value resides in an enabled application field, or if the keyword is not mapped from the enabled application, the corresponding keyword value(s) are left blank in the Workflow re-indexing window keyword input field(s). Keyword values can be manually entered after the scrape event is executed.
Replace Keywords - Replaces existing keyword values in the User Interaction window with values scraped from the enabled application.
If the Clear Keywords option is not selected, all Keyword fields in the User Interaction window that are not associated with values in the enabled application are not changed or cleared.
Auto-Index Documents - During screen scraping, values are scraped from the enabled application to the Keyword fields in the User Interaction window, and indexing is automatically executed. Index values cannot be adjusted manually.
User Must Resolve Doc Type - If an enabled application is configured for more than one document type (that uses the same associated keyword types) users must select the document type into which the document should be indexed.
Use Only Active Keywords - If enabled, the only keyword values that will be populated are those from the keyword type(s) in the Selected list in the Hotspot Configuration dialog box. When this option is not selected, keyword types from both the Available and Selected lists in the Hotspot Configuration dialog box will be used.
Note:The Use Only Active Keywords option is not supported in the Unity Workflow interface. To accomplish this same behavior in the Unity Workflow interface, clear the Include all configured keywords when posting events from this screen Application Enabler configuration option.
Note:If neither the Clear Keywords or Replace Keywords options are selected, existing Keyword Values in the indexing window are retained and new values are added during screen scraping. Multiple Keyword Type fields and values are displayed in the indexing window.
Do Not Change Doc Type - When this option is selected, the Document Type scraped from Application Enabler will not be used to update and re-index a document. When this option is not selected, the Document Type will be updated from the scraped information.
Prevent AutoFill Expansion - When this option is selected, AutoFill Keyword Sets will not be filled upon scraping using Application Enabler in conjunction with this action.