Option:VB Script - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

Select the appropriate VBScript from the Script drop-down list.


When using this action, be sure that the visible scope in the script is set according to the context in which the script will be run. The visible scope will differ depending on whether the script is run on the Client side or the server side. See the OnBase VBScript documentation for more information.


When using the Core-based OnBase Client interface and running VBScripts on the client side and a property bag is used, the property bag will be synchronized between the server and client prior to executing the script, and again following the execution of the script. This will ensure that property bag values residing on the server will be available to use on the client side during script execution. These same property bag values, if changed during the script execution on the client side, will be available in the Core after execution. Synchronizing the property bag does not support deleting a property value from the property bag. If a property value is deleted during script execution on the client, the property value will not be removed from the property bag on the server side when next synchronization occurs. Only non-object property values are supported for synchronization. If a property holds an interface pointer to a class instance we will not synchronize these types of properties. Synchronization is not supported when Timer work is performed on the client side.