Option:Keep Only Common Keywords - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

The manner in which Keyword Values are transitioned between the Document Types is determined by the Keep Only Common Keywords check box. If the box is checked, only keywords common to the two document types are maintained. (If the document is transitioned back to the original document type, any keywords not in common will be lost.) If the box is unchecked, all keyword references are maintained, although only the common keywords are reflected in the keyword dialog box of the transitioned Document Type.


When Keyword Types are shared between Document Types but belong to different structures, such as when a Keyword Type is a single instance Keyword Type on one Document Type and belongs to a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group on another Document Type, the Keyword Types are not considered common, and the Keyword Values are not transitioned when Keep Only Common Keywords is checked.


If the Document Type transitioned from uses a Keyword Type Group, non-common keywords will not be kept, regardless of the Keep Only Common Keyword s setting. Likewise, if the Document Type transitioned to uses a Keyword Type Group, the non-common keyword will not be kept.


If a Document Type associated with standard Keyword Types is changed to a Document Type associated with a Keyword Type Group and then changed back to the original Document Type, all non-common Keyword Values are lost.


If a Document Type associated with standard Keyword Types or a Keyword Type Group is changed to a Document Type associated with a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group, all Keyword Values are lost. Likewise, if a Document Type associated with a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group is changed to a Document Type associated with standard Keyword Types or a Keyword Type Group, all Keyword Values are lost. Keyword Values will only be kept if a Document Type assigned with a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group is set to another Document Type with the same Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group association.