The Log Event action allows you to log Plan Review specific events during a Workflow process.
Events are logged in the Review Cycle Status View for the Review Cycle that is currently open. If no Review Cycle is open for a project when a Log Event action is executed, the event will not be logged in the Review Cycle Status View.
In the Properties pane, on the General tab, select an event type from the Event type drop-down list.
The event types listed below are designed to be used together. Events will be displayed together in the Review Cycle Status View as long as each event type's Set event details from and Set user values are identical to the values used by the other event types.
The following selections are available:
Event type
Set Group
Select this event type to log an event when a user is assigned to a project. The values configured in the Set event details from field and the Set user field will be displayed in the Review Cycle Status View in the Unity Client.
This event type corresponds to an Event ID of 1.
In Review
Select this event type to log an event when a user has been assigned to a project using the Set Group event and should begin the review process. This event will be displayed in the Review Cycle Status View in the Unity Client.
This event type corresponds to an Event ID of 2.
Select this event type to log an event when a user assigned to review the project has approved the project based on his or her Review Group's requirements. This event will be displayed in the Review Cycle Status View in the Unity Client.
This event type corresponds to an Event ID of 3.
Select this event type to log an event when a user assigned to review the project has rejected the project based on his or her Review Group's requirements. This event will be displayed in the Review Cycle Status View in the Unity Client.
This event type corresponds to an Event ID of 4.
Select this event type to log an event when a user that was previously assigned to review the project has been unassigned from the project. This event will be displayed in the Review Cycle Status View in the Unity Client.
This event type corresponds to an Event ID of 5.
Select this event type to log an event when a user assigned to review the project has waived making a decision on the project based on his or her Review Group's requirements. This event will be displayed in the Review Cycle Status View in the Unity Client.
This event type corresponds to an Event ID of 6.
Note:The Reviews Completed field in the Review Cycle Status View is calculated based on the number of recorded Log Event items for the current Review Cycle. Review entries are considered to be completed when they have been marked as Approved or Rejected. Entries that are set to Pending or In Review are included in the total number of reviews to be completed. Entries that are set to Unassigned are not included in the total number of reviews to be completed.
From the Set event details from drop-down list, select the option that will be used to set the event's details. The following options are available:
Constant value
Select this option to set the event details to a constant specified value whenever this Workflow task is executed. Type the desired value into the text field that is displayed below the Set event details from field.
Current date/time
This option should not be selected. It is not supported for use with the Log Event action.
Current user name
This option should not be selected. It is not supported for use with the Log Event action.
Select this option to set the event details to a specific property. Type the name of the desired property into the text field that is displayed below the Set event details from field.
User group name(s) of current user
This option should not be selected. It is not supported for use with the Log Event action.
Note:For a Set Group event type, the Set event details from field should be set to the value the Review Group should be set to when this Workflow action is executed. The Review Group will be noted in the Review Cycle Status View.
Note:For all other event types that should be related to the configured Set Group event type, the Set event details from field should be set to the same value used for the corresponding Set Group event type.
From the Set user drop-down list, select the option that will be used to set the user for the event. The following options are available:
<From Session>
Select this option to set the user to the user who is logged in when the Workflow task is executed.
<From Property>
Select this option to set the user from a specific property. Type the name of the desired property into the text field that is displayed below the Set user field.
User Name
Select a specific user name from the list to set the user to the specified user name.
Note:For a Set Group event type, the Set user field should be set to the value the Reviewer should be set to when this Workflow action is executed. The Reviewer will be noted in the Review Cycle Status View.
Note:For all other event types that should be related to the configured Set Group event type, the Set event details from field should be set to the same value used for the corresponding Set Group event type.
- In the Properties pane, click the Documentation tab. Enter any descriptive information that is applicable in the Overview and Details fields.