Option:Property Value - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

Select one of the following options to determine the property value:

  • Metadata Type- Sets the property mapping to a standard email metadata type. Select it from the drop-down list.

Metadata Type


Attachment Count

The number of attachments on the email message.

Attachment Names

The file names of the attachments on the email message.


The body of the email message.

Body Format

The format of the email message body.

The property can be one of the following values:

  • 0- Plain Text

  • 1- HTML

  • 2- Rich Text Format

CC Addresses

The collection of CC email addresses on the email message.

CC Display Names

The collection CC display names on the email message.

Date Sent

The long date format of the time the email message was submitted.


The long date format is in the format of the current locale.


The email message importance.

The property can be one of the following values:

  • 0- Low

  • 1- Normal

  • 2- High

Message Id

The internet message ID of the email message.

Message Size

The byte count of the email message.

Reply To Addresses

The collect of Reply To email addresses on the email message.

Reply To Display Names

The collection of Reply To display names on the email message.

Sender Address

The sender's email address on the email message.

Sender Display Name

The sender's display name on the email message.


The sensitivity of the email message.

The property can be one of the following values:

  • 0- None

  • 1- Personal

  • 2- Private

  • 3- Company Confidential


The subject of the email message.

To Addresses

The collect of To email addresses on the email message.

To Display Names

The collection of To display names on the email message.

  • Named header key- Sets the mapping to the value of a specified named header key. Enter the named header key in the field.

  • All email headers- Sets the property mapping to the value of the entire email header key collection.