This option becomes active when the Display for Input option has been selected. When Initiate Workflow on Submit is selected, the form that is displayed will not be added into its configured life cycle until the user clicks the form's Submit button. This allows the information that the user enters on the form to be processed into Workflow with the form. If this option is not selected, the form is immediately added into its configured life cycle upon creation, before the form is displayed for input. This option is automatically selected when Save Form On Submit is selected.
OBBtn_KS### and OBBtn_Keyset are not supported for this action.
OBBtn_Cancel and OBBtn_No Functionality
The OBBtn_Cancel and OBBtn_No E-Form buttons function differently depending on what option are selected for the FORM - Create New Form action when the Display for Input option is selected. The following table outlines the different outcomes these buttons produce:
Enabled Options |
Button |
Outcome |
Save Form on Submit = No Initiate Workflow On Submit = No |
OBBtn_No |
Form is created. Keywords that are inherited are automatically saved. Any changes made to the document in the user interface are not saved. Created form is added to the Workflow life cycles immediately before any actions are taken on the document in the user interface. |
Save Form on Submit = No Initiate Workflow On Submit = No |
OBBtn_Cancel |
Form is created. Keywords that are inherited are automatically saved. Any changes made to the document in the user interface are not saved. Created form is added to the Workflow life cycles immediately before any actions are taken on the document in the user interface. |
Save Form on Submit = No Initiate Workflow On Submit = Yes |
OBBtn_No |
Form is created. Keywords that are inherited are automatically saved. Any changes made to the document in the user interface are not saved. Document is not added to the Workflow life cycles. |
Save Form on Submit = No Initiate Workflow On Submit = Yes |
OBBtn_Cancel |
Form is created. Keywords that are inherited are automatically saved. Any changes made to the document in the user interface are not saved. Document is not added to the Workflow life cycles. |
Save Form on Submit = Yes Initiate Workflow On Submit = Yes |
OBBtn_No |
Form is not created. Keywords are not saved. |
Save Form on Submit = Yes Initiate Workflow On Submit = Yes |
OBBtn_Cancel |
Form is not created. Keywords are not saved. |
If an OBBtn_Cancel or OBBtn_No button is clicked, the last execution result is set to False and the task list is aborted.
If you want to expand AutoFill Keyword sets using this action, use the OBBtn_ExpandKS### button.