Interaction with E-Forms in Workflow - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

Existing E-Forms can be viewed in Workflow. New E-Forms can be created by executing an ad hoc task. Depending on the method of viewing, E-Forms behave differently.

When an already-existing E-Form is viewed, clicking Cancel will close the form without saving any changes. The form itself will still be stored in the database.

When a new E-Form is created via an ad hoc task, the E-Form may be created before any Keyword Values are added to the E-Form by the user. Depending on configuration options, one of two things will occur:

  • After the E-Form is created in the system, it will be displayed in the User Interaction window. Clicking Cancel will close the E-Form without saving any changes made to the E-Form.

  • Clicking Cancel will close the E-Form and not create it in the system.

When a submit button is configured on an E-Form and it is not configured using OBBtn_ syntax, the button will function as a cancel button.