This action requires one of the following licenses: Enterprise Integration Server, EIS Message Broker, Web Services Publishing, or Enterprise Web Services Publishing.
The Split Message Item Into Child Work Items action creates new child message items from a single message item based on a configured XPath expression. The new message items are created using the same Message Item Type as the parent message item. Each child message item will contain the same nodes as the parent message, but will contain only a single instance of the node that matches the selected XPath expression.
You should follow the Split Message Item Into Child Work Items action with an instance of the Check Last Execution Result rule.If the XPath expression set on the Split Message Item Into Child Work Items action does not match any node on the message, the action will return an execution result value of false but no exception will be generated and the configured task list will continue. If this is an error state for your environment, use the Check Last Execution Result rule to handle the error.
The following options are available: