Specify the Keyword Value to add. The following options are available depending on the selected keyword Type:
If you want to add a specific value, enter the value n the Constant value field.
Note:The number of characters allowed in the Constant value field is limited to the configured character limit of the selected Keyword Type.
If the Keyword Type selected uses an Alphanumeric data type, the System Value drop-down list is enabled. Select Current User ID if you want the new value to be the User Id of the currently logged in user. Select Current User's Name if you want the new value to be the user name of the currently logged in user. Select Current User's Real Name if you want the new value to be the real name specified for the currently logged in user.
If the Keyword Type selected uses a Date data type, the Current Date option can be selected to use the current date as the value.
If the Keyword Type selected uses an Alphanumeric or Date & Time data type, the Timestamp option can be selected to use the date/time information for the keyword value.
The current date and time used in the Timestamp option is the current date and time as found in the data source.
Date and date & time formatting are dependent on regional settings.