Set Analysis or Coding Complete for Chart - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

This action requires one of the following licenses: Medical Records Management Solution, Medical Records Coding Interface, or Medical Records Coding for OnBase Meditech.

Changes a medical chart's Analysis or Coding status to completed within the chart's current Analysis or Coding queue. This action is provided to clean up Workflow-backed Analysis or Coding queues containing charts that do not need to be worked on. This action updates the chart's Analysis or Coding status within the current queue only. It does not change the Analysis or Coding status for other queues the chart is in, and it does not transition the chart out of its current queue.


Do not use the Set Analysis or Coding Complete for Chart action to automate completion within the standard Analysis or Coding process. Charts that require Analysis or Coding should be completed from their respective queues by an analyst or coder.

The following are potential use cases for this action:

  • Charts from a legacy system entered Analysis or Coding upon creation, but Analysis or Coding is not necessary.

  • Charts have been in Analysis or Coding for an excessively long time.

  • A large number of charts entered Analysis or Coding in error.