Select Keyword to set the property to a value found in a specific Keyword Type or system property. Select the Keyword Type from the drop-down list.
The following system properties are only available in the Core-based interfaces.
The following system properties are available:
>>Author Name- The author of the item.
>>Batch Number - The number of the batch in which the item was brought into the system.
>>Date Stored - The date the item was imported into the system.
>>Document Date- The date used by the system to refer to the document.
>>Document Handle/Item ID- The unique ID number assigned to the document or item.
>>Document/Item Name- Name of the document or item.
>>Document Type/Item Type ID- The identification number for the Document Type or item type.
>>Entry to Queue Date- Date the item entered the queue.
>>File Name - The file name of the item.
>>File Path- The file path of the item.
>>Revision- The revision number of the item.
>>Version- The version number of the item.
For more information about these system properties, see the Document Properties topic in the OnBase Client help system.