The call web service action allows a user to call a method exposed via a WCF web service.
Features of this Action
Supports composite data types including arrays of nested composite data types
Allows the user to decide whether the task list execution should be broken if there was an issue calling the service method.
If the service metadata contains the information about the types of faults the service method can generate – you can map keywords/properties to the fault information
Supports mapping to system keywords such as document date, entry to queue date etc…
Supports the following .NET primitive data types and their nullable data types:
System.Boolean, System.Byte, System.Char, System.DateTime, System.Decimal, System.Double, System.Int16, System.Int32, System.Int64, System.SByte, System.Single, System.String. System.UInt16, System.UInt32, System.UInt64
Note:Nullable data types will be converted to their non-nullable data type before being added to the property bag.
Supports mapping to constant values containing tokens such as %K, %D etc…
Supports mapping to constant values containing arrays
Allows the user to test that the application server can successfully call the service from within the actions configuration
Limitations of this Action
Does not support the Data Set data type.
Does not allow mapping to the InnerText or InnerXml properties of the System.Xml.XmlAttribute data type. This limits the user to specifying a single value for a SOAP header.
Only supports Windows Authentication.
Configuring this Action
To configure this action: