Call WCF Service - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

The call web service action allows a user to call a method exposed via a WCF web service.

Features of this Action

  • Supports composite data types including arrays of nested composite data types

  • Allows the user to decide whether the task list execution should be broken if there was an issue calling the service method.

  • If the service metadata contains the information about the types of faults the service method can generate – you can map keywords/properties to the fault information

  • Supports mapping to system keywords such as document date, entry to queue date etc…

  • Supports the following .NET primitive data types and their nullable data types:

    • System.Boolean, System.Byte, System.Char, System.DateTime, System.Decimal, System.Double, System.Int16, System.Int32, System.Int64, System.SByte, System.Single, System.String. System.UInt16, System.UInt32, System.UInt64


    Nullable data types will be converted to their non-nullable data type before being added to the property bag.

  • Supports mapping to constant values containing tokens such as %K, %D etc…

  • Supports mapping to constant values containing arrays

  • Allows the user to test that the application server can successfully call the service from within the actions configuration

Limitations of this Action

  • Does not support the Data Set data type.

  • Does not allow mapping to the InnerText or InnerXml properties of the System.Xml.XmlAttribute data type. This limits the user to specifying a single value for a SOAP header.

  • Only supports Windows Authentication.

Configuring this Action

To configure this action:

  1. Click Configure. The Service Location dialog box is displayed.
  2. You can either select a configured location from the drop-down list or, with >> Use the specified Location selected in the drop-down list, enter the location of the file used by the Web Service in the field. The location value cannot exceed 255 characters.
  3. Select the Protocol from the drop-down list.
  4. If the service requires authentication, select the Requires Authentication check box.

    The Requires Authentication option only supports Windows authentication.

  5. Click OK.
  6. If the service required authentication, the Authentication dialog box is displayed. Enter the User Name, Password, and Confirm Password credentials and click OK.
  7. In the Method section, select the appropriate Contract, End Point, and Method from the drop-down lists.

    Upon saving the action, if you want to update the Method section, you must click Update and then make the appropriate changes, and click Update again.

  8. Click Mappings. The Mappings dialog box is displayed.
  9. Select a parameter. The None, Keyword, Property, and Constant Value mapping properties are enabled. Keyword maps to the Keyword Type selected from the drop-down list. Property maps to the property specified in the field. Constant Value maps to the value entered in the field.
  10. Select the appropriate mapping option.

    If the user maps an item to a constant value the two check boxes become available and are:

    • Parse tokens (%K, %D etc…)- This tells the action that before it uses the constant value it should parse any tokens.

    The following symbols can be used:




    Displays the Document Handle of the current document.


    Displays the Institution Name assigned to the current document.


    This symbol is only applicable when used with an Institutional Database.


    Displays the name of the user who created the current document.

    %D or %D2

    Displays the Document Date. This value can be changed.


    Displays the date that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

    %I1 or %T

    Displays the time that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.


    Displays a configured Keyword Value.


    Displays the Keyword Value of Keyword Type # n times. For example, %K00101.4 would display up to 4 unique Keyword Values for Keyword Type 101 for a single document.

    For some functionality, a Keyword Type drop-down list may be available to configure this. Select a Keyword Type from the drop-down list, enter the number of times you want the Keyword Value to be displayed in the Repeat field, and click Keyword. The value in the Repeat field specifies how many instances of the Keyword Value will be displayed. Entering an * character will pull all existing Keyword Values for display up to 99 instances.


    When using the Classic Client interface, double digits in the Repeat field are not supported.


    Displays the life cycle number of the current document.


    Displays the life cycle name of the current document.


    Extracts metadata values from items. This includes attribute values from WorkView objects or a field values from an Entity item.

    %M must be followed by the metadata value you want to extract. For example, if you want to extract the value of a WorkView attribute called Name, it would be %MName.

    The token strings can contain nested expressions. Example, a nested WorkView attribute: %MVendor.Buyer.Name.


    Displays the name of the document.


    Displays the number of notes present on the document.


    Displays the queue number of the current document.


    This token will not have a value when used outside of a life cycle as part of a System Task.


    Displays the queue name of the current document.


    This token will not have a value when used outside of a life cycle as part of a System Task.


    Displays the real name of the currently logged in user.


    Displays the user name of the currently logged in user who executed the task.


    Displays the value of a configured Workflow property. For example, to display the value for the property “Color”, this symbol would be configured %VColor.


    In the Core-based interfaces, if a property contains an array of values, all property values will be used.


    If a property name has spaces, using %V to display the property value will not preserve the spaces, and therefore, the property will not be correctly identified.

    The following symbols are not supported in the Classic Client interface:

    • %L [life cycle ID]

    • %L2 [life cycle name]

    • %Q [queue ID]

    • %Q2 [queue name]

    %M [item metadata value] is not supported in the Classic OnBase Client interface or the Core-Based OnBase Client interface.

    • The value is an array (separated by commas)- This is only useful for items that are arrays. It allows the user to specify a list of values (separated by commas) to send.

  11. Click Map.
  12. Repeat steps 8 through 12 for each method and parameter.
  13. Click OK.

    If the location of a service is modified, mappings will persist if the method associated with the mappings exists in the service in the new location.