You can select an Attachment to send with the notification. The following options are available:
None - Allows you to send a notification without an attachment.
This Document - Sends current document along with specified notification to the users specified in the notification setup. Any overlays or notes present on the document will be included in the attachment.
Related Documents - Sends the selected notification with a document related to the current document as an attachment. See Related Tab for more information.
Batch - Attaches documents that exist in the selected Folder Type to notifications that are sent using this action.
Note:Only folder types configured as Workflow folders will be displayed for selection in the Folder Type drop-down list.
If the Include current document option is selected, the current document active in the life cycle will be attached to the notification in addition to any related documents, or the documents within the selected folder.
Static folders are not available for selection.
Non-document items cannot be sent as attachments to a notification.