On systems configured for overlapping (non-unique) MRNs, OnBase uses both the MRN value and the MRN assigning authority to uniquely identify medical records.
If your system is configured for overlapping MRNs, select the Use Assigning Authority option. When this option is selected, the Unlink Medical Record Number action will use both the MRN value and the assigning authority value to identify the MRN to unlink.
If the assigning authority value is populated on the document or WorkView object when this action is executed, then the action will look for a matching MRN that has the specified assigning authority.
If the assigning authority is not populated, the action will look for a matching MRN that has a blank assigning authority.
Ensure this option is selected if your system allows overlapping MRNs. Otherwise, the Unlink Medical Record Number action will unlink all MRNs that match the MRN value on the document or WorkView object. The assigning authority value will be ignored.