Coverage Tab - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

When a Organizational Chart has been selected for a life cycle, you can configure queues within that life cycle for coverage. To configure a queue for coverage:

  1. In the Coverage tab, select the Coverage Type from the drop-down list.

    Workday will only check the Business calendar to see if a user is available.

    Shift will check the Business calendar as well as the Shift calendar assigned to the user to see if the user is available.

  2. In the check boxes, select whom employees are going to be covered by when unavailable.

    Coverage Option



    When this option is selected, Workflow will traverse the associated Org Chart to find a Manager to cover for the absent employee. The first Manager Workflow finds relative to the employee will cover the absentee.


    When this option is selected, the employee designated as “assistant” will cover for an absent employee.


    In order for this option to take effect, an assistant must be configured in the Org Chart for the unavailable user.


    When this option is selected, Workflow will traverse the associated Org Chart to find a peer to cover for the absent employee. Any employee within the Org Chart who shares the same role will cover the absentee.

    Required Role

    This option is available when Peer is selected. When configured, all employees with rights to the queue will be able to view the documents of unavailable users who have this role.


    Although this option is made available by selection of Peer, the users who share a required role do not necessarily have to be peers in the Org Chart.

  3. Click Save to save these settings.

    All users that meet coverage configuration terms will be able to see documents of absent employees.

Document coverage is not transitive. For example, when using the See Other User's Documents option, if Employee 1 covers for Employee 2, but Employee 2 is also covering for Employee 3, Employee 1 will not see Employee 3's documents.


When using coverage, documents are not reassigned to available users. The assignment to the original user is maintained, but other users are able to view the documents.