There are three files that make it possible for OnBase Studio to generate a document:
A .docx file that serves as the main template. See Configuring Templates in Microsoft Word and Accessing Tag Information in OnBase Studio.
A .docx file that contains information that is repeated (fragments) and serves as the fragment template. The fragment template contains fragment controls that will be called by the main template. For example, a life cycle may have many queues. The queue fragment would pull multiple instances of data for one life cycle in a generated document. See Configuring Templates in Microsoft Word and Accessing Tag Information in OnBase Studio.
An .xml file that links the two template files together and specifies other parameters. See Configuring the Required XML File.
The main template contains the fields that will be generated in a document. The fields can reference fragments.
The fragment template contains fragments as well as fields that rely on those fragments. Fields that rely on fragments should be placed within the appropriate fragments. For example, the Queue fragment (wffrag.Queue) could contain a field that pulls the name of the queue (wffld.Name). wffrag.Queue would be placed in the fragment template and wffld.Name would be placed within the wffrag.Queue control.
All three of these files are required for successful installation. See Installing the Template for more information about installation.
Backup your templates and .xml file to a location other than where you install then. If you uninstall OnBase Studio, your templates and .xml file will be uninstalled as well.