The following is an example of an XML file that maps the template file to the fragment template file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<template culture="en-US" name="Name of Template" author="Name of Author" filename="%UserProfile%\My Documents\GuideName.docx">
<userdefinedfield name="Solution Name" tag="SolutionName" default="Solution Name" />
<userdefinedfield name="Form Location" tag="UserFormsLocation" default="\\[server name]\[share]\[path]" />
The following are descriptions of the configuration options with the XML file:
Setting |
Description |
template culture |
Specifies the locale of the templates and generated documents. |
name |
Name of the document. This name will appear in the Create Documentation Wizard. |
author |
Name of the author or company associated with the document. This name will appear in the Create Documentation Wizard. |
filename |
This the default location and name of the generated document. |
<document> |
This is the main template .docx file. |
<fragment> |
This is the fragment template .docx file. |
<maxlifecyclediagramwidth> |
Defines the width of the wffld.Diagram field. This is measured in inches. |
<maxlifecyclediagramheight> |
Defines the height of the wffld.Diagram field. This is measured in inches. |
<userdefinedfields> |
The <userdefinedfields> section allows you to create your own user defined fields that will prompt users for values in the Enter the template parameters screen during document generation. You can create multiple fields within this section, each field must following this syntax: <userdefinedfield name="Solution Name" tag="SolutionName" default="Solution Name" /> userdefinedfield name is the name of the field. tag is the tag that will be used in the field within the template. The following is an example of a field configured in a template field property for use with a user defined field: wffld.UserDefined.SolutionName default is the default value for the field. |
<image> |
Specify a based64 encoded image. This image will be displayed in the Create Documentation Wizard. If you do not provide this, a default image will be used. |