General queue configuration options are configured in the General tab in the Properties pane. The following options are available.
Parameter |
Description |
Description |
Optional area to add comments about the queue's function. For informational purposes only and is not displayed in the Client. |
Help Text |
Optional area to add instructions, tips or any information that may be useful to the users of this queue. This information displays in the User Interaction window when the queue is selected. |
Double-Click Begins User Work |
Double-clicking an item in the inbox window triggers associated user work. |
Hide Count |
If this option is enabled, the number of items within the queue is not displayed in the Client module. If it is disabled, the number of items within a queue is displayed. If no items exist in a queue, a zero will be displayed for the count. Note:
For the Web Client, if the Web Server's web.config file ShowQueueCounts option is set to true, it will not override the individual queue's Hide Count setting. If ShowQueueCounts is set to false, no queue counts will be displayed. |
Exclusive Viewing |
Permits only one user to view the item at a time. Another user can retrieve the item in a Client retrieval interface, but not through Workflow. An item that exists in multiple queues in different life cycles that have this setting enabled will only permit the items to be opened in one queue at a time. If the item lives in two life cycles in two queues and if one queue has this setting enabled and the other does not, the same item is available for viewing in both queues by two different users. Note:
This option controls item access within a queue. Note:
When this option is applied, items open within the queue cannot have a system task executed upon it from the document retrieval hit list, the document viewer, or a folder. Note:
When a user selects multiple items within the Inbox using the CTRL or SHIFT keys, Process Lock Administration will only display the last document selected. This applies to the OnBase Client Core-based interface. Note:
When a queue is configured with the Exclusive Viewing option and routes WorkView objects, and a WorkView object in that queue is viewed in WorkView, no ad hoc tasks for the queue are available to be executed on that WorkView object. However, the ad hoc tasks can be executed on the WorkView object when it is viewed in Workflow. Note:
When a queue is configured with the Exclusive Viewing option, that queue is not supported for use with the Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2016 or Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2019 modules. |
Disable Logging |
Every time an item enters or exits a queue, an entry is made in the Workflow log. Checking this option disables the logging function. |
Auto-Feed |
Automatically displays the next available item in the viewer. When configuring a queue in a life cycle that supports ownership in a Unity Life Cycle, the Automatic Ownership check box is enabled when the Auto-Feed option is selected. When you select Automatic Ownership for a queue, items that are auto-fed to users are automatically assigned ownership to the user who receives the item. This option also prevents a user from entering a queue that is configured with the Auto-Feed option, leaving the queue, and returning to the queue to be auto-fed a different item. Note:
When a queue is configured with the Auto-Feed option and routes WorkView objects, and a WorkView object in that queue is viewed in WorkView, no ad hoc tasks for the queue are available to be executed on that WorkView object. However, the ad hoc tasks can be executed on the WorkView object when it is viewed in Workflow. Note:
When a queue is configured with the Auto-Feed option, that queue is not supported for use with the Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2016 or Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2019 modules. |
Enable Take and Release Ownership |
When this option is selected, users in a life cycle configured for ownership have the ability to take and release ownership of items in a queue. Note:
This option is only available for Unity Life Cycles that support ownership. |
Hidden |
Hides the queue in the Client's Tree View and Graphic Layout, even if the user has rights to the queue. |
Auto-Select Next Item |
This option applies to the Core-based OnBase Client, the Unity Client, and the Web Client Workflow interfaces. When a single item is selected before execution of an action, if the selected item is not transitioned out of the queue, it is displayed. When the item selected is transitioned out of the queue, the next item available in the queue is displayed. When multiple items are selected before execution of an action, when the displayed item is still in the queue, it is displayed again. When the displayed item is not in the queue, the first item within the selection that remains in the queue is displayed. If no item within the selection is found, no item will be displayed. If all selected items are transitioned out of the queue, the next available item is selected. Note:
If the current queue is configured for exclusive viewing, Workflow will loop through the selected items, starting from the first item in the selection, to find the first available item. If an available item is found, it displays. |
Available in Combined View |
When this option is selected, the queue will be available for selection when configuring the Combined View. Note:
This option is only supported in the Core-Based OnBase Client, Web Client, and Unity Client interfaces. |
Execute Filter Rule against Related Item Selection |
When this option is selected, when executing an ad hoc task against related items, the filter rule will be executed against the related item selection, instead of against the primary item. Note:
This option is only supported in the Unity Client interface. |
Respect Security Keywords |
This option should not be used with load-balanced queues. When this option is selected, security keywords are respected when displaying items within the queue. Only items matching security Keyword Values assigned to the logged-in user that belong to the Document Types assigned at the queue level for security keywords are displayed. Note:
If Document Types are not assigned to be checked for security keywords at the queue level, the Respect Security Keywords option displays any documents that match the configured security keyword value. Note:
If a filter is applied to a queue configured for security keywords, and the filter does not have any Document Types configured, the filter results list will be empty. Tip:
Duplicate results may be displayed if multiple values are assigned to security keywords, or if the user is assigned to multiple User Groups. To prevent duplicate results, a custom query filter can be created at the queue level with the Exclude Duplicate Documents option selected. For more information about configuring custom queries, see the System Administration documentation. Selecting this option enables a Document Types button. Upon clicking this button, a Document Types dialog box is displayed. If you click the Add all document types assigned to life cycle button, all of the Document Types currently assigned to the Life Cycle to which the queue belongs are selected. Click Add to add specific Document Types. Select the check box next to the Document Type you want to assign to the queue. Tip:
To select many Document Types at once, press and hold the CTRL key while selecting Document Types, or select consecutive Document Types while holding the SHIFT key. Press the space bar to select the check box for the selected Document Types. Select the check box above the list of Document Types to toggle between selecting all Document Types, no Document Types, or the Document Types already selected. Select Show only included items if you want to filter the Document Type list to show only those Document Types that you have selected. Once all Document Types you want to assign are selected, click OK. |
Respect Security Keywords cont. |
To remove a Document Type, select the Document Type and click Remove. Click OK when configuration is complete. Note:
It is a best practice to configure Document Types for the Respect Security Keywords setting. If Document Types are not configured, refreshing document lists may be slower and queue counts may not always reflect the documents returned based on security keyword values. |
Institutional |
When this option is selected, items in the inbox are restricted based on institution. Note:
This option is only available in Layer 2 and Layer 3 institutional databases. |
Override Document Modification Privilege |
When the For Primary Document option is checked, allows users who do not have a modify privilege to update the Keywords or otherwise modify a primary document within the queue. Note:
If a related document is displayed as a result of a Workflow action, for the purposes of this privilege the document will be considered a Primary. Note:
This option allows users to modify the document and its Keywords only within the document viewer. To modify Keywords in the Keyword panel, a user must have the Modify Keywords User Group Privilege. Note:
In order to create image markups, a user must have the Modify Documents User Group Privilege. When the For Work Folder Documents option is checked, allows users who do not have a modify privilege to modify a document and update its keywords for a document within the Work Folder within the queue. Note:
Users do not need access to the document's Document Type for the override to apply. |
Hide Queue |
Queue does not display in Client Tree View or Graphic Layout if a user does not have rights to a queue. |
Show Disabled Icon |
If a user does not have rights to the queue: