Creating Transitions - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

For the life cycle to route items manually, queues must be configured with transitions. Transitions can either be added in the Design Layout or in the Repositories pane within the Workflow tab.

To create a transition in the Repositories pane:

  1. Select the queue you want to draw a transition from. Right-click the queue and select New | Transition, or select Transition in the Life Cycle ribbon menu.
  2. Select the queue you want to draw the transition to from the drop-down list available in the transition that is created.
  3. Press Enter on the keyboard.

If you want to the transition to be hidden when viewing the graphic layout in a client interface, select Hide transition in graphical layout when viewed in client in the General tab of the Properties pane.


If you want to draw more than one transition, hold down the Ctrl keyboard key while drawing a transition to keep the Transition tool selected.

For more information on creating transitions in Design Layout, see Life Cycle Graphical Layout for more information.

Depending on your configured Studio Options, the following right-click options are also available when creating transitions:



New | Pre-Transition Task List

Adds a task list to be executed before the transition is executed.


This requires the Enable pre and post transition task list creation option to be enabled in Studio Options.

New | Pre-Transition Test

Adds a rule, which is evaluated before the transition takes place. If the rule evaluation returns false, the transition is canceled. If the rule evaluation returns true, the transition proceeds. This test ensures that a transition is allowed to proceed out of the queue.


This requires the Enable pre-transition and action test rule creation option to be enabled in Studio Options.

New | Post-Transition Task List

Adds a task list that is to be executed when the transition completes.


This task is executed after the system work in the destination queue is performed.


This requires the Enable pre and post transition task list creation option to be enabled in Studio Options.