To check in a life cycle:
- In the Repositories pane within the Workflow tab, select the life cycle you want to check in, right-click and select Check In or click Check In on the Workflow ribbon. If edits were made and the repository was not saved, a message stating The life cycle has been modified and must be saved before it can be checked in is displayed.
- Click OK.
- On the Home tab, click Save.
- Repeat step 1.
After saving the repository, you can check in all life cycles in a repository by right-clicking on a life cycle in the Repositories pane and selecting Check In All.
If any life cycles have edits and the repository has not been saved, a message stating The following life cycles could not be checked in as they contain unsaved changes: is displayed, along with a list of any life cycles with unsaved changes.
In addition, when you close OnBase Studio, all life cycles are automatically checked back in.