You must be licensed for Agenda, Electronic Plan Review, External Access Client, HL7 Listener, or Basic HL7 Listener to configure this type of life cycle.
To create a life cycle:
You can create a life cycle by completing one of the following two actions:
Click the Life Cycle button in the Workflow ribbon within the New ribbon group or right-click in a repository in the Repositories pane within the Workflow tab and select New | Life Cycle.
- Enter a Name for the life cycle.
- Select either Agenda Item, Meeting, Plan Review Project, External User Request, or Medical Records Charts for the type of items that will processed in the life cycle.
- If you would like items of the type specified to automatically enter the life cycle upon creation, select the Entities of this type should automatically enter this life cycle upon creation option. This option is not available for life cycles that contain medical records charts.
Click Next. The following dialog box is displayed.
- Enter the Name for a queue you want in the life cycle.
- Click Add.
Repeat steps 6 to 7 for each queue you want to add.
By default an Initial queue is configured.
Note:You can arrange queues in the list by selecting a queue and clicking the Move Up and Move Down buttons. You can also delete queues by selecting a queue and clicking Remove.
- Click Next.
Select a user group that you would like to grant rights to the life cycle from the User Groups drop-down list.
The user group(s) assigned at the life cycle level during life cycle creation are assigned rights to the queues created in the wizard as well.
- Click Add.
- Repeat steps 10 to 11 for each user group you want to grants rights to. Click Next.
- A summary page is displayed that details the configuration of the new life cycle. Click Finish.