Exporting - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

Exporting items is a useful tool for backup and recovery, as well as re-installing the items on the same system or for portability to another OnBase system.

When an item is exported, OnBase also exports the associated Document Type Groups, Document Types, keywords, templates, and folders. Disk Groups do not participate in the transaction.

The following data is exported into an .expk file:

  • Life cycles (Legacy and Unity)


    In order to export a life cycle, it must be a life cycle to which you have configuration rights.


    Life cycles that are password protected cannot be exported.

  • Work Queues

  • Rules

  • Actions

  • Transitions

  • Task Lists

  • Timers

  • Ad Hoc User Tasks

  • Life Cycle and Queue Events

  • Workflow API Tasks

  • Comments

  • Help Text

  • Window titles

  • Roles and Business Calendars

  • Workflow Folder Types

  • System Events

  • System Tasks


    When a System Task is exported, any Document Types associated with the System Task are also exported.

  • Item Generator Sets

  • Item Generators

  • All Dependencies (Including, but not limited to the following: User Groups, Document Types/Groups, Keyword Types, AutoFill Keyword Set configuration, Overlays, Note Types, Custom Queries, VB Scripts, E-Forms (If there are multiple revisions of an E-Form, the last revision is exported), Unity Forms (including associated Currency Formats, form field settings, data sets, AutoFill Keyword Sets, Unity Form Themes, and User Groups configured under Form Visibility), User Forms, Life Cycle and Queue Bitmaps/Icons, Notifications, Print Queues, Print Formats, File Types, Folder Types, Folder Templates, Portfolio Relations, Portfolio Types, Fonts, Work Folder Filters, SAP Servers, ShareBase Profiles, XML Formats, and XML Format Ports.


    If a notification contains any recipients configured as email addresses, those recipients will not be exported with the notification.


    When exporting Formatted Notifications, only the latest published version is exported. If a Notification is configured to be archived, the archived Document Type and all Keyword Mappings will also be exported.


    Any User Forms associated with a life cycle but not used by any rules or actions are not exported. If the User Form is configured to use a SYS HTML Form, the document will also be exported.


    When importing VBScripts, if an existing VBScript is replaced by an imported VBScript and either of the VBScripts has the Retain VB Script History option configured, the history will be retained.

  • When exporting External AutoFill Keyword Sets with configurations that use Unity Scripts and WorkView Filters, the configured Unity Scripts and WorkView Filters are exported.


    Upon import, the Manager user group is granted access to imported AutoFill Keyword Sets. A user from the Manager user group must appropriately grant AutoFill Keyword Set access to users.

  • Workflow Approval Management queues, approval processes, notifications, and roles.

  • When importing encrypted keywords, these keywords will lose the encryption flag. If you wish for the imported keywords to be encrypted, you must lock the system through the Configuration module (Utils | Database Settings) and reset the encryption for the Keyword Types.

  • Data within Data Sets. Upon import, if the destination database already has a Data Set for the affected Keyword Type, the existing and imported values are merged into the Data Set, meaning all existing values are kept and only new values are added. Values will never be removed. If an imported Keyword Type is mapped to a Keyword Type in the destination database that does not have Use Keyword Data Set option selected, no values will be imported into the destination database for the mapped Keyword Type. If imported data set values are longer than allowed by the mapped destination Keyword Type, they will be truncated. Keyword Types with external data sets maintain data set configurations that utilize VB Scripts, SQL Select Strings, and Unity Scripts.

  • Cascading Data Sets. Upon import, any conflict resolution necessary for Cascading Data Sets is done after all Keyword Types conflicts are resolved. Cascading Data Set resolution is accomplished in the following way: If there is a Cascading Data Set with the same name that has Keyword Types with the same names, in the same order, the imported data set is mapped to it without any user interaction. If there is a Cascading Data Set with Keyword Types with the same names, but the data set has a different name, a conflict will result and the user can map to the existing Data Set or create a new data set. If there is no existing Data Set with Keyword Types with the same names, a new set is created. If a set with the same name as the imported one already exists, a user is prompted for a new name; otherwise there is no user interaction.


    A Document Type cannot have two Cascading Data Sets assigned if these Data Sets share a Keyword Type. If this occurs, the user is prompted to create a new Document Type or unassign the Cascading Data Set from the Document Type.

  • If you export a rule engine queue, the queue configuration, conditions, outputs, parameters, and the active condition setting are all exported. Only the latest version of a rule set is exported. All other versions of a rule set are not exported.

  • When using Org Charts and users in an Org Chart are members of a load balancing queue within the life cycle, life cycle users are exported along with any user on which the exported user is dependent, including the root user.


    When exporting Org Charts and Calendars, ensure that the proper elements are exported and resolved properly during import.

  • When using calendars, all business calendars configured for life cycles are exported. User-specific calendars will be exported for users, but the Time Off information will not be exported. Upon import, if a user already existed in the destination database, the business calendar information is not overwritten.

  • When exporting a life cycle that references any unity scripts, the unity scripts referenced by the life cycle are exported.

  • If you have life cycles configured to use actions or rules associated with WorkView, related WorkView Document Type Associations, applications, classes, notifications, filters, and attributes are exported as references that can only be mapped.


    If you want to include the WorkView application(s) in the export, you must manually add it to the export package.


    If exporting a life cycle or system event that includes the action Suppress Screen Action, all related items (such as classes and any child items) are exported as full references and must be mapped to their appropriate applications in the destination database.

  • If you have life cycles configured to use actions associated with the Records Management module, Managed Folders, Hold Sets, Hold Reasons, Retention Plans, Event Sets, and Events are exported.


    Only the Events that are assigned to actions are exported. Event Sets are exported, but the Events assigned to an Event Set are only exported if in use by an exported life cycle.

  • If you have life cycles configured to use actions associated with the Image Statement module, Statements, OMRs, and Export Manager Formats that are referenced by the actions are exported.

  • For Document Composition:

    • Dependent templates will also be exported. If a field is configured on a template that references another template, the referenced template will also be exported.

    • The library that an exported template belongs to will also be exported as a placeholder for the exported template. The entire library is not exported. Only those templates within that library that are referenced by the associated Workflow actions are exported.

    • For a template to be exported with the Compose Document action, the action must be configured with Use Specified Template option selected.

    • User groups assigned to the template are exported with the template.

The following data is not exported/imported:

  • Disk Groups

  • Document Type Icons

  • User Group Permissions

The following restrictions apply to exported/imported data:

  • Only keywords specifically used by the life cycle are exported/imported.

  • Users are imported, but only by name. Imported users are assigned the password “PASSWORD” and the user must be reconfigured.

  • Scan queues are exported as map-only, and must be mapped to an existing scan queue in the destination repository.

The requirements below are suggestions for best results:

  • The life cycle should be exported to, and imported from, the same named directory location. Specify a common directory location for both processes, such as temp\[defaultfilename.*]. Create the directory, if necessary, before running the export process.

  • The life cycle export/import process is designed to deploy the same life cycle to multiple sites. Note that if an on-site life cycle has been modified in any way, the same changes should be made to the master copy (export) life cycle, in order to maintain integrity between the import and export life cycles.

  • Validate task sequences.