Transitions from queue to queue, called connectors in design view, can be added to a life cycle in design view. Connectors can be used to transition items from a source queue to a destination queue. Connectors can be added with or without adding an ad hoc task for the transition.
To create a transition without an ad hoc task:
In the Design ribbon within the Tools ribbon group, click Transition.
Optionally, you can press and hold the CTRL key to create multiple transitions without clicking the button between adding transitions.
In the design view, locate the source queue and left-click and hold. Drag the cursor from the source queue to the destination queue. When the cursor is on the target queue, release the mouse.
The transition is created. To format connectors for transitions, see Formatting Connectors.
To create a transition with an ad hoc task:
In the Design ribbon within the Tools ribbon group, click Transition (Ad Hoc Task).
Optionally, you can press and hold the CTRL key to create multiple transitions without clicking the button between adding transitions.
In the design view, locate the source queue and left-click and hold. Drag the cursor from the source queue to the destination queue. When the cursor is on the target queue, release the mouse.
The Create Transition dialog box is displayed.
Select the type of ad hoc task you want to create for the transition. The following options are available:
Create a new Ad Hoc task: This creates a new ad hoc task for the transition. Enter a name for the ad hoc task, and select Assign All User Groups Assigned to the Queue if you want to assign the same user groups that are assigned to the queue to the newly created ad hoc task.
Use the existing Ad Hoc task: This uses an existing ad hoc task for the transition. Select an existing ad hoc task from the drop-down list. Only existing ad hoc tasks that contain a single Transition Item action that is configured to transition an item from the <Current Queue> to the destination queue specified by the connector are displayed in the drop-down list.
Do not create an Ad Hoc task: This creates a transition without an ad hoc task.
- When you have selected a transition type, click OK to create the transition and corresponding ad hoc task. Alternatively, click Cancel to cancel the creation of the transition and ad hoc task.