When you make a change to an existing timer, you can reset the cache from the Reset Server Cache button in OnBase Studio for your changes to be recognized by the system. After a cache reset, changes will be recognized in one minute or less. If the timer runs before the minute window, the old configuration will still be used.
Using the Reset Cache option in OnBase Configuration or the Reset Server Cache option in OnBase Studio may have a negative impact on system performance. Requests to the Application Server will be forced to wait until the cache is rebuilt before they can be processed. Depending on the size of the OnBase system, as well as the current server load, the performance impact of resetting the cache may be severe. To avoid performance issues, only reset the cache of the Application Server during off-peak hours. For more information about the Reset Cache option in OnBase Configuration, see the System Administration documentation. For more information about the Reset Server Cache option in OnBase Studio, see the Studio documentation.