Checks to see if a related entity type exists for the current item.
In the Properties pane, on the General tab, from the Related Entity Type drop-down list, select a related entity type to evaluate using this rule.
The following selections are available:
Entity Type
Plan Review Document
This entity type is used to check for documents that are part of the Plan Review project in the selected life cycle.
Plan Review History
This entity type is used to check for Plan Review history events that are part of the Plan Review project in the selected life cycle.
Review Cycle
This entity type is used to check for review cycles that are part of the Plan Review project in the selected life cycle.
You can filter the results by selecting the Filter Results check box and perform the following:
From the Field drop-down list, select one of the following:
Entity Type
Plan Review Document
The following fields are available:
Plan Review Document ID- the document ID of the Plan Review document
Plan Review Project ID- the Project ID of the Plan Review project
Document Handle- the document number for the document
Document Revision Number- the revision number of the document
Document Name- the auto-name of the document
Plan Review History
The following fields are available:
Date Created- the date the Workflow task was run
Event ID- the ID of the Log Event action type for the Workflow Task. The following values are available:
1- this value corresponds to the Set Group Event Type
2- this value corresponds to the In Review Event Type
3- this value corresponds to the Approved Event Type
4- this value corresponds to the Rejected Event Type
5- this value corresponds to the Unassigned Event Type
Event Details- the Event Details of the Workflow task
Review Cycle
The following fields are available:
Start Date- the date the review cycle was started
End Date- the date the review cycle ended
Due Date- the date the review cycle is due
Reviewer Due Date- the due date for the reviewers
Status- the status of the project within the review cycle
CAUTION:The Start Date, End Date, and Status fields should not be modified through Workflow.
- In Must match:, select Constant value or Property and enter a constant value or property.
From the Field drop-down list, select one of the following:
If you do not want to use the results to execute sub-tasks, clear the Use results for sub-tasks check box.
When using the results to execute sub-tasks, the rule's context sets the context for respective sub-tasks. The action's context is automatically set when you choose the type of items that the life cycle contains. The context is displayed in the Properties pane, on the General tab, in Context. If the direct task does not specify context, then the context specified by the most direct ancestor will be used. For example, if you nest multiple Related Item Exists rules that each provide context, the sub-tasks will use the deepest context.
- If you want to store the result count in a property, select the Save result count in property: check box and enter the name of the property in the corresponding field.
- In the Properties pane, click the Advanced tab.
- In the Properties pane, click the Documentation tab. Enter any descriptive information that is applicable in the Overview and Details fields.