The Allow Wildcards check box is another option for rules that check keyword values. When using wildcards, you can use the? (question mark) wildcard to replace a specific number of characters. For example, a value of COLUMB ?? succeeds for COLUMBUS, COLUMBIA and any other eight-character keyword value beginning with COLUMB. The * (asterisk) wildcard represents an indefinite number of characters. COLUMB* succeeds for any length keyword values beginning with COLUMB, such as those mentioned above and COLUMBO and COLUMBIANA.
The Allow Wildcards check box is only enabled for Alphanumeric Keyword Types. Wildcards can be used with Alphanumeric Keyword Types that have masking configured. When masking is used, the ? wildcard must be used. The * symbol does not work for spaces or masking symbols.
If you make a selection in the Keyword Type to Check drop-down list, add values, then change your selection in the Keyword Type to Check drop-down list, if the data type of the two Keyword Type selections are not the same, all values added for the first Keyword Type selected will be lost.