A comparison relationship between the two values can be configured. You can specify the number of years, months, days, business days, hours, or minutes to use in the comparison in the Number of Periods N field and the Period drop-down list.
Business Day(s) is only available from the Period drop-down list if a Work Calendar has been assigned to the life cycle.
The following options are available:
Option |
Description |
D1 is more than N Time Periods before D2 |
This option is dependent on the number of periods and the interval of the time period set. The comparison checks to see if the first value occurs in time before the second value in more than the time period specified For example, if you set the time period to 2 days, in order for this rule to return true, value 1 would be more than 2 days before value 2. |
D1 is fewer than N Time Periods before D2 |
This option is dependent on the number of periods and the interval of the time period set. The comparison checks to see if the first value occurs in time before the second value in less than the time period specified. For example, if you set the time period to 2 days, in order for this rule to return true, value 1 would be less than 2 days before value 2. |
D1 is fewer than N Time Periods after D2 |
This option is dependent on the number of periods and the interval of the time period set. The comparison checks to see if the first value occurs in time after the second value in less than the time period specified. For example, if you set the time period to 2 days, in order for this rule to return true, value 1 would be less than 2 days after value 2. |
D1 is more than N Time Periods after D2 |
This option is dependent on the number of periods and the interval of the time period set. The comparison checks to see if the first value occurs in time after the second value in more than the time period specified. For example, if you set the time period to 2 days, in order for this rule to return true, value 1 would be more than 2 days after value 2. |
D1 is before D2 |
The comparison checks to see if value 1 occurs before value 2. |
D1 is equal to D2 |
The comparison checks to see if value 1 is equal to value 2. |
D1 is after D2 |
The comparison checks to see if value 1 is after value 2. |