Keyword mappings determine which Keyword Types from each Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group are compared.
The Keyword Type drop-down list is populated with the Keyword Types belonging to the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group selected for the primary item.
The Mapped Keyword Type drop-down list is populated with the Keyword Types belonging to the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group selected for related items.
To add a Keyword mapping, select a Keyword Type in the Keyword Type drop-down list, then map it to the corresponding Keyword Type in the related item Keyword record by selecting a Keyword Type from the Mapped Keyword Type drop-down list. Click Add.
To delete a Keyword mapping, select the mapped Keywords, then click Delete.
When comparing alphanumeric Keyword Types and/or property values, an implicit conversion will occur during the comparison that will attempt to convert the incoming value into its representative data type in order to execute a proper comparison. This implicit conversion will attempt to infer if the incoming value represents a number, a date, or a string. In the event that the incoming value is formatted in such a way that the value can be inferred as both a numeric value or a date value, the numeric value will take precedence during the comparison.
When comparing different data types (for example, comparing alphanumeric to a currency data type), any formatting differences could impact the evaluation of the values. To ensure the accuracy of any evaluation, it is a best practice to always compared values that are of the same data type.
See Related Tab for more information on configuring the action for related documents/items.