This rule can be configured to search for all records or only specific records of a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group. Select one of the following:
To determine whether or not any records of a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group exist on an item, select Any Record. The rule will evaluate to true if any records of the specified Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group exist on the item.
To determine whether or not specific records of a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group exist on an item, select Specific Records. The rule will evaluate to true if the search criteria are met and a specific record is found on the item.
When Specific Records is selected, search criteria must be configured. To configure search criteria:
Click Add to create search criteria. The Add Search Criteria Keyword dialog box is displayed.
In the Keyword Type drop-down list, select the Keyword Type you want to configure. If the Keyword Type selected is configured using a Specific Currency data type, the Currency Format drop-down list is enabled, allowing you to select the currency format you want to use.
Select an Operator. This determines whether the search looks for values that are equal or not equal to the specified value.
Specify the Value of the Keyword. The value can come from one of the following:
Constant Value - Enter a specific value.
Property - Enter a property name from which the Keyword Value will be pulled.
Keyword - Select a Keyword from which the Keyword Value will be pulled.
Blank values will return different results depending on how search criteria are configured. If the Operator is configured to find equal values, and the search criterion value is left blank, the search will be considered a match if the corresponding Keyword Value found in the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group record is blank. Similarly, if the Operator is configured to find values that are not equal, and the search criterion is left blank, the search will be considered a match if the corresponding Keyword Value found in the Multi-Instance Keyword Type record is not blank. Using blank values with the Constant Value option is not supported.
When comparing Alphanumeric and Floating Point Keyword Types, the value of the Floating Point Keyword Type cannot be less than 0.0001.
Select Allow Wildcards to use wildcards in the search criteria value fields.
When using wildcards, you can use the ? (question mark) wildcard to replace a specific number of characters. For example, a value of COLUMB ?? succeeds for COLUMBUS, COLUMBIA and any other eight-character Keyword Value beginning with COLUMB. The * (asterisk) wildcard represents an indefinite number of characters. COLUMB* succeeds for any length keyword values beginning with COLUMB, such as those mentioned above and COLUMBO and COLUMBIANA.
The Allow Wildcards check box is only enabled for Alphanumeric Keyword Types. Wildcards can be used with Alphanumeric Keyword Types that have masking configured. When masking is used, the ? wildcard must be used.
Click OK.
Configured search criteria can be modified by selecting a search criterion and clicking Modify. The Modify Search Criteria Keyword dialog is displayed, and any changes can be made. Click OK to keep changes, or click Cancel to close the dialog without saving the changes. To delete configured search criteria, select a search criterion and click Delete.