Close the Workflow Layout - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

To close the Workflow layout and return to your Home layout, click Close This Layout on the Workflow ribbon menu.

If the Workflow layout is your Home layout, the default OnBase layout is displayed. After clicking, you are prompted to confirm that you want to close the Workflow layout. Click Yes to close the layout. Click No to keep the layout open. Select the Do not prompt me again check box to no longer be prompted after clicking Close This Layout. This selection persists for the duration of your current OnBase session.

Using this button to close the Workflow layout, or closing the Unity Client, releases the Workflow license that you consumed (immediately for any Named or Workstation licenses, and after the standard minimum timeout has elapsed for a Concurrent license), as well as any auto-feed locks, Exclusive Document Viewing locks, process locks, and document locks. Navigating to a different layout (for example, Document Retrieval) does not release the Workflow license that you consumed, even though the Workflow tab is no longer displayed. It also does not release auto-feed locks, Exclusive Document Viewing locks, process locks, or document locks.


Use this button to close the Workflow layout if you will not be using Workflow again during your current OnBase session.

If you close the Workflow layout or the Unity Client while Workflow is awaiting user interaction, you are prompted to verify that you want to close the layout. Click No to complete the task. Click Yes to close the layout and terminate the task.