When a filter is applied while using Combined View, the following is true concerning the display columns. The columns display from left to right.
If no display columns have been configured on the filter:
Note:The Icon column is only available in the Unity interface.
Document Name
Workflow Life Cycle
Workflow Queue
Entry Date
Note:The Owner column is only displayed when all queues in Combined View are Unity life cycles and at least one of them is configured to support ownership.
If display columns have been configured on the filter:
All configured columns in user-configured order
Workflow Queue
Queues will be sorted by Entry Date by default. Queues can also be sorted by a defined filter sort or by clicking a display column to sort by.
If Workflow Queue has been configured as a display column, it will not be added again.
If no filter has been applied, the display columns will be: Document Name, Workflow Life Cycle, Workflow Queue, Entry Date.
Filters cannot be applied to a Combined Inbox consisting of non-document items.