In some instances it may be useful to know the status of parent or child items in Workflow, including whether or not a parent has any children, what life cycles and queues they reside, and their current status. You can determine a parent or child item's status in the Inbox and Related Items panes. This can also be accomplished from other areas in OnBase, such as a Document Search Results list.
To view a parent or child item's status, select an item, right-click and select Workflow | Child Items Status. The following dialog box is displayed:
Regardless of whether the dialog is accessed from a parent or child item, the Child Items Status dialog displays the name of the parent item, along with the life cycle in which it resides, the names, locations, and statuses of any child items that belong to that parent item. Restricted will be displayed for queues and life cycles that you do not have the rights and/or privileges to view.