All items in a queue, including documents and other OnBase items such as managed folders, are displayed in the Inbox.
You can view specific items from multiple queues or life cycles by choosing one of the following options from the Life Cycles pane:
My Owned Items- Select to display all items owned by the current user in the Inbox pane from all queues that support ownership.
Note:My Owned Items is only displayed if you have rights to access a life cycle that supports ownership.
Combined Inbox- Select to display work items from multiple life cycles. See Combined Inbox Settings for more information.
The columns in the Inbox can be grouped and sorted like other Unity Client data lists. Sorting by a column in the Inbox overrides any default sort orders configured for queues. See the Unity Client module reference guide for more information about sorting data lists.
To view an item in a queue, select it from the Inbox. It is displayed in the Primary Viewer:
By default, the first item in the Inbox is automatically displayed in the Primary Viewer. If there is only one item in the currently selected queue, it is automatically displayed in the Primary Viewer. To turn off this feature, deselect the Automatically select first item in the inbox option in User Options. For more information, see Workflow User Options.
When an item in the Inbox is selected, you can select a different item in the Inbox list by pressing the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys on the keyboard.
The first 2000 items in the currently selected queue or in the combined view are displayed in the Inbox. If more than 2000 items exist in the currently selected queue, you are prompted with a message that, “ Workflow is displaying only the first 2000 items in this queue. Not all items are shown.”
When an item in the Inbox is selected, the Previous Document and Next Document navigation buttons in the item's Viewer ribbon can be used to navigate to the previous or next available item in the Inbox.
The navigation buttons in a WorkView item's Viewer ribbon cannot be used to navigate the Inbox.
The status bar is located at the bottom of the Inbox. It displays the current queue, any selected filter, and the number of items in the pane:
When working with items in the Inbox, the Document Information Panel, which opens if you choose to view an item's Keywords, cross-references, etc., includes the Inbox tab's icon:
This is so that you can easily distinguish between items in the Inbox and related items. Any items that are related to the item(s) selected in the Inbox are displayed on the Related Items tab. For more information, see Working With Related Items.
If Exclusive Document Viewing has been enabled, attempting to open a document another user has opened will result in a message stating, You cannot view document [Document ID, Auto-Name string] as user [User Name] is already working with this document.
When viewing a WorkView object that has been modified, you will not be prompted to save changes if you navigate to a different queue or life cycle. Ensure all changes are properly saved before navigating away from the WorkView object.