Exporting a Configuration - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

To export a configuration:

  1. With the repository containing items you want to export selected, click the Export button in the Home ribbon within the Import/Export ribbon group.

    If there are unsaved changes in the selected repository, you are prompted to save the repository before exporting.


    You can export from OnBase Studio while using a Local connection the database.

    The Export wizard Item Selection page is displayed:

  2. Verify that the information listed for the Application Server and Data Source is correct.
  3. Select a configuration item type from the item type selection list to display all available items in the database for that configuration item type:

    The configuration item types displayed in the selection list is dependent on your licensing and the context from which you access the Export wizard.

    By default, configuration item types are organized in groups. To collapse all groups, click Collapse All:

    To ungroup configuration item types, click Ungroup Items:

    To regroup configuration item types, click Group Items:

    To search for a specific configuration item type, enter a search term in the search field. The selection list is filtered as you type:

  4. Select one or more configuration items from the configuration item selection list.

    To select multiple configuration items, do one of the following:

    • Hold Ctrl and click individual configuration items.

    • Select a configuration item, hold Shift, and click another configuration item to select all configuration items listed between the two.

      To search for a specific configuration item, enter a search term in the search field. The selection list is filtered as you type:

    To search for a specific configuration item, enter a search term in the search field. The selection list is filtered as you type:

  5. Click Add to add the selected configuration items to the export package:

    To add all configuration items in the selection list to the export package, click Add all:

  6. Repeat the process as necessary to add different types of configuration items. The configuration items are listed and grouped by configuration item type in the export package list:

    To collapse a configuration item group in the export package list, click the collapse button:

    To remove selected configuration items from the export package list, click Remove:

    To remove all configuration items from the export package list, click Remove all:


    When clicking Remove all, you are prompted to confirm the action.

  7. Click Start Export. The Export Progress page is displayed and the export process begins:
  8. When the export process is complete, the Export Results page is displayed and any relevant errors, warnings, or informational messages are listed in order of severity, sorted by event type.

    Warnings cause the export to be partially successful, allowing you to still download and save the export package. Errors cause the export to fail, preventing you from downloading and saving the export package. An example of an error is that a required document, such as a template, could not be exported.

    To toggle whether errors, warnings, or informational messages are shown, click Show Errors, Show Warnings, or Show Informational Messages, respectively:


    You can copy errors, warnings, and informational messages to your clipboard by right-clicking the message pane and selecting Copy or by selecting a message and pressing Ctrl + C.

    If changes to the export package are necessary, click Back to Item Selection to return to the Item Selection page.

  9. To customize the export package, click Customize Export. The Export Details page is displayed:

    To return to the Export Results page without regenerating the export package, click Back to Export Results and skip to step 14.

    To return to the Item Selection page, click Start Over.

  10. In the export package item list, the following columns are displayed:




    The name of the configuration item.


    The configuration item type.

    Descendant Count

    The number of configuration item descendants. Descendants are configuration items that are implicitly added to the export package due to a reference to another configuration item in the export package. Configuration items explicitly selected are considered as descendants of the overall export process.

    Percent of Parent

    The percentage the configuration item makes up of its parent configuration item. Parents are configuration items that are referenced by other configuration items in the export package. The overall export process is considered as the parent of all explicitly selected configuration items.

    To view all descendants of all configuration items in the export package item list, click Expand All:

    To hide all descendants of all configuration items in the export package item list, click Collapse All:

    To view the descendants of a configuration item, click expand:

    To hide the descendants of a configuration item, click collapse:

    Note the following:

    • The item list can be filtered and sorted by each column. By default, the list is sorted in descending order by Percent of Parent.

    • Configuration items explicitly selected for the export package are designated with the User Exported Item icon:

    • Configuration items that reference multiple items in the export package are displayed as descendants under each referenced item. If a displayed descendant is also the descendant of a configuration item more closely related to the configuration items explicitly selected for the export package, it is designated with the following icon:

    • Configuration items that cannot be customized are designated with the Map Only Item icon:

  11. Select a configuration item to view its descendants in the Selected Properties pane. If multiple configuration items are selected, all descendants of all selected configuration items are displayed. The number of configuration items selected and the number of descendants that reference the selected configuration items are displayed:

    Descendants are grouped by configuration item type. To collapse a configuration item group, click the collapse button:

  12. To queue the selected configuration items for partial reference, click Make Partial. To queue the selected configuration items for full reference, click Make Full.

    Configuration items explicitly selected for export cannot be queued for partial reference.

    The queued configuration items are displayed. The number of changes to be made to the export package and the total number of unique configuration items to be included in the export package are displayed:

    To remove a configuration item from a reference queue, click remove:

  13. Click Regenerate Package. The Export Progress page is displayed. With the customizations applied, the export process begins again, and the Export Results page is displayed when the export process is complete:
  14. Do one of the following to specify the encryption of the export package:
    • To encrypt and require a password for the export package, select Encrypt Export File.

    • To export the package without encryption and password protection, deselect Encrypt Export File.


      Depending on system settings, the Encrypt Export File option may be enabled or disabled. If the option is enabled, entering a password for the package is optional. If the option is disabled, entering a password for the package is required.

  15. Click Save Package.
  16. If Encrypt Export File was selected, enter a password in the Password field, and reenter it in the Confirm field.

    Keep this password in a safe place. It is required when uploading the package in the Import wizard. If the password is lost, it cannot be retrieved.


    Passwords must adhere to any displayed requirements. All passwords must be at least 14 characters in length. If a password policy is being used and it requires fewer than 14 characters, the export cannot be completed.

  17. In the Windows Save As dialog box, specify a location and enter a file name for the export package. Ensure that Export package files (*.expk) is selected as the Save as type.
  18. Click Save.
  19. Close the Export dialog box.