Importing a Configuration - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

To import a configuration:

  1. With the repository containing items you want to export selected, click the Import button in the Home ribbon within the Import/Export ribbon group.

    You can import into OnBase Studio while using a Local connection to the database.


    In order to import configurations which were exported using the Configuration module, you must have the System Configuration configuration right.

    The Import wizard is displayed:

  2. Verify that the information listed for the Application Server and Data Source is correct.

    You are notified if a previous import was left incomplete. You cannot perform a new import until the previous import is completed. To resolve the previous import, evaluate and complete it in Import Management, or contact your first line of support. For more information on Import Management, see the section on viewing import history in the System Administration module reference guide.

    If change control settings have not been configured, continue to step 3. Otherwise, skip to step 7.


    Access to import settings is also available from the import layout.

  3. Configure change control settings by selecting Import Settings | Change Control Settings.

    The Change Control Settings dialog box is displayed:

  4. Enter a directory path in the Change Control File Directory field, or click Select Directory to browse for and select a directory.

    A Change Control File Directory must be specified in order for users to perform an import.

    When specifying a directory, consider the following:

    • The specified directory must be accessible to all Application Servers and clients.

    • The specified directory must be writable by all Application Servers.

    • The Change Control File Directory is used during the import process to store external files associated with configuration items that are imported. After import, the imported external files are stored in a subdirectory of the specified directory.

    • An Import folder is created in the specified directory if one does not already exist.

  5. Select or enter a value for the following options:



    Maximum import file size (MB)

    Specifies the largest allowed file size (in megabytes) for a package being imported through the Import wizard.

    Package encryption password policy

    Enforces a password policy to encrypted export packages. When the administrator enters a password for an export package, the password must adhere to the selected password policy before the package is exported.

    Select None to allow the administrator to use a password that does not adhere to a password policy.

    For more information on password policies, see the section on enforcing user password security in the System Administration module reference guide.

    Force encryption on export

    When selected, selects and disables the Encrypt Export File option in the Export wizard. This forces the administrator to enter a password for the package being exported.

    When deselected, enables the Encrypt Export File option in the Export wizard. This allows the administrator to optionally enter a password for the package being exported.

    Prevent unencrypted packages from being imported

    When selected, only encrypted password-protected packages can be imported through the Import wizard.

    When deselected, any valid package can be imported through the Import wizard.

  6. Click Save.
  7. If necessary, select Import Settings | Import Management to view import history. For more information, see the Viewing Import History section of the System Administration module reference guide.

    Access to import settings is also available from the import layout.

  8. In the Selected package field, enter the directory and file name of the export package to import, or click Browse to locate and select it. Export packages have a file extension of .expk. If you select any other file type, an error is displayed in the Status area of the Import dialog box.

    If the export package is open or has been modified outside of OnBase, an error is displayed, and you are prevented from importing the package. If the package is open (e.g., using a zip program), close the package file. If the export package was modified outside of OnBase, select a different export package, or create a new one.

  9. If the package is encrypted, you must enter the password for the package and click Decrypt:

    Certain packages may not be valid for import. Configuration settings may restrict packages due to file size or lack of encryption. Also, depending on the context from which you are accessing the Import wizard, certain packages may be invalid for the current context. For example, if you attempt to import a package to the Reporting Dashboards Import wizard that was exported from the Configuration Export wizard, an error is displayed in the Status area below the package selection area.

  10. The import layout is displayed:




    Navigation bar


    Configuration Items pane


    Properties pane


    Errors and Warnings pane

    The Application Server, data source, user, and package name are displayed in the Navigation bar.


    Import settings can be accessed by clicking the gear icon.

  11. In the Configuration Items pane, all configuration items included in the export package are listed. By default, <<User Exported>> is selected in the left pane, and the configuration items explicitly selected by the user who created the export package are displayed:

    To view all configuration items included in the export package, select <<All Items>> in the left pane. To view explicit and implicit configuration items by type, select a configuration item type in the left pane.

    To cancel the current import process and start a new import process using a different export package, click Select a Different Package on the Navigation bar. Any decisions made during the current import process are not saved, and you are returned to the initial Import wizard page.

  12. To view more information about user-selected items and the relationship between all items in the export package, click Explore Package on the Navigation bar. The explore package dialog box is displayed:
  13. In the export package item list, the following columns are displayed:




    The name of the configuration item.


    The configuration item type.

    Descendant Count

    The number of configuration item descendants. Descendants are configuration items that are implicitly added to the export package due to a reference to another configuration item in the export package. Configuration items explicitly selected are considered as descendants of the overall export process.

    Percent of Parent

    The percentage the configuration item makes up of its parent configuration item. Parents are configuration items that are referenced by other configuration items in the export package. The overall export process is considered as the parent of all explicitly selected configuration items.

    To view all descendants of all configuration items in the export package item list, click Expand All:

    To hide all descendants of all configuration items in the export package item list, click Collapse All:

    To view the descendants of a configuration item, click expand:

    To hide the descendants of a configuration item, click collapse:

    Note the following:

    • The item list can be filtered and sorted by each column. By default, the list is sorted in descending order by Percent of Parent.

    • Configuration items explicitly selected for the export package are designated with the User Exported Item icon:

    • Configuration items that reference multiple items in the export package are displayed as descendants under each referenced item. If a displayed descendant is also the descendant of a configuration item more closely related to the configuration items explicitly selected for the export package, it is designated with the following icon:

    • Configuration items that cannot be customized are designated with the Map Only Item icon:

  14. Close the explore package dialog box to return to the import layout.
  15. The columns on the Configuration Items pane can be customized in the following ways:
    • To sort configuration items alphabetically by Type, Name, Status, or Target Name, click the corresponding column header.

    • To reorder columns, click and drag a column header to the edge of another column header:

    • To filter configuration items, use the filter controls at the top of each column.

    • To search for a specific value in a column, enter the value in the filter control for that column. For example, enter the name of a configuration item in the Name field to search for that item by name. The configuration item list is filtered as you type.


    Click and drag the borders of the columns in the Configuration Items panel to resize them.

  16. Each configuration item must be configured with a decision option. To decision configuration items, see the following:
    • To manually decision configuration items, continue to step 17.

    • To automatically decision configuration items, see Auto Resolution.

    • To load decisions previously saved to an XML file, see Load Decisions.


    By default, all configuration items included in the export package are configured to not be imported, and the decision status No Action is displayed in the Status column.

  17. One or more configuration items can be decisioned at a time. To decision configuration items, see the following:
    • To decision a single configuration item, continue to step 18.

    • To decision multiple configuration items simultaneously, skip to step 19.

  18. To decision a single configuration item:
    1. Select a configuration item in the Configuration Items pane. The available decision options are displayed in the Properties pane:

      Available decision options may vary based on the configuration item.

    2. Select one of the following decision options:

      Decision Option


      No Action

      The selected item is set to not be imported into the destination database.

      When an item is not migrated using the No Action decision, references from other items remain. This can lead to orphaned rows that reference the non-migrated item. It is considered a best practice to remove references to an item before selecting No Action for it.


      The selected item is set to be created as a new item in the destination database. Existing configuration settings and references are carried over to the destination.

      After selecting Create, the New Name field is displayed. If necessary, enter a different name for the item to be created in the destination database. The New Name field respects the maximum number of characters allowed for names belonging to the configuration item type.


      The selected item is set to be mapped to a configuration item in the destination database. For example, if you are importing an AutoFill Keyword Set, you can map its Keyword Types to Keyword Types already in the destination database if the appropriate Keyword Type names already exist.

      After selecting Map, a list of available configuration items in the destination database is displayed. The ID number of each configuration item is included in parentheses. Select the appropriate item to which to map.

      When selecting Map, consider the following:

      • Selecting Map does not modify the configuration items being mapped to in the destination database.

      • When Map is selected for configuration items that are associated with items that are not set to Map, after import, the associated items are then associated with the configuration items to which the selected configuration items were mapped. For example, if a Document Type is set to Create and its Keyword Types are set to Map, after import, the Document Type created in the destination database is associated with the Keyword Types to which its Keyword Types were mapped.

      • When Map is selected, a configuration item in the destination database is automatically selected if it matches the name of the configuration item being imported.

      If the configuration item selected in the Configuration Items pane has associated children configuration items, Apply Decision To Children is enabled. Click Apply Decision To Children to use the decision options selected for the parent configuration item for all its children configuration items.


      If a configuration item is mapped to a destination configuration item that has already been targeted for Map or Replace by another configuration item in the import package, a warning is displayed, but the decision is allowed.


      The selected item is set to replace a specified configuration item in the destination database, including related configuration and references.

      After selecting Replace, the New Name field is displayed, along with a list of available configuration items in the destination database. Select the appropriate item to replace. If necessary, enter a different name for the item in the destination database. The New Name field respects the maximum number of characters allowed for names belonging to the item type you are updating.


      When Replace is selected, an item in the destination database is automatically selected if it matches the name of the item being imported.

      If the configuration item selected in the Configuration Items pane has associated children configuration items, Apply Decision To Children is enabled. Click Apply Decision To Children to use the decision options selected for the parent configuration item for all its children configuration items.

    3. If the configuration item selected is a Document Type with associated overlays, the Documents section is displayed:

      For each overlay listed, select No Action, Create, or Map. If Map is selected, select an overlay to map to from the list that is then displayed.

    4. Continue to step 20.
  19. To select the same decision options for multiple configuration items simultaneously:
    1. Select multiple configuration items in the Configuration Items pane using one of the following methods:
      • Hold Ctrl and click multiple configuration items.

      • Press Shift + Down Arrow to select the configuration item below the selected configuration item in addition to the selected configuration item.

      • Press Shift + Up Arrow to select the configuration item above the selected configuration item in addition to the selected configuration item.

      • Press Ctrl + Shift + End to select all configuration items below the selected configuration item, including the selected configuration item.

      • Press Ctrl + Shift + Home to select all configuration items above the selected configuration item, including the selected configuration item.

      • Hold Shift and click two configuration items to select them and all configuration items between them.

    2. The available decision options are displayed in the Properties pane:
    3. Select one of the following decision options:

      Decision Option


      Remove Actions

      The selected items will not be imported into the destination database. Previous decisioning for any of the selected configuration items will be removed.

      Create as New Items

      The selected items will be created in the destination database.

      Map to Existing Items

      The selected items will be mapped to configuration items in the destination database whose names match exactly. For configuration items whose name does not have an exact match, no action will be taken.

      Replace Existing Items

      The selected items will replace configuration items in the destination database whose names match exactly. For configuration items whose name does not have an exact match, no action will be taken.

    4. Click Apply Action to Selected Items.
  20. After all configuration items have been decisioned, click Run Verification.
  21. If errors or warnings result from verification, they are listed in the Errors and Warnings pane in order of severity, sorted by event type:

    Errors must be resolved before proceeding to import. An example of an error is that a configuration item with the decision option Create is configured to use the name of a configuration item that already exists in the system.

    Warnings indicate import may produce unexpected results, but are not required to be resolved before proceeding to import. An example of a warning message is that mapping a child folder will not cause the parent folder type to become the parent of the mapped folder type. If information in the warning message describes unintended behavior, resolve the warning before proceeding to import. For more information about specific warning messages, contact your first line of support.


    Double-click on an error or warning to select the affected configuration item in the Configuration Items pane and display its selected decision option in the Properties pane.


    You can copy errors and warnings to your clipboard by right-clicking the Errors and Warnings pane and selecting Copy or by selecting a message and pressing Ctrl + C.

    After resolving errors and warnings, click Run Verification.

  22. Click Proceed to Import.
  23. The Pre-Import Report page is displayed:

    The following sections are displayed:



    At a Glance

    Displays a summary of the actions that will be taken during the import process.


    Displays the number of configuration items selected for each decision option:

    • Items Created: the number of configuration items decisioned as Create.

    • Items Replaced: the number of configuration items decisioned as Replace

    • Items Mapped: the number of configuration items decisioned as Map

    • Items Ignored: the number of configuration items decisioned as No Action

    Items Created

    Lists the configuration items decisioned as Create, organized by configuration item type.

    Items Replaced

    Lists the item name and target name of the configuration items decisioned as Replace, organized by configuration item type.

    To return to the previous page and edit decisions, click Back to Decisions.

    To verify the information displayed in the Pre-Import Report and begin import, click Start Import.

  24. Once the import is complete, the Post-Import Report is displayed and indicates whether the import was successful:

    If the import is unsuccessful or partially successful, errors or warnings are listed. For more information about specific error or warning messages, contact your first line of support.

    Information regarding the import is stored in a SYS Verification Reports Document Type document that is automatically generated.


    Configuration items decisioned as No Action are not displayed in the import verification report document.

  25. Click Finish.

    Once the import has been completed successfully, the repository will be refreshed automatically.